chapter 5

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He shows me around the garden, it's quite dull in some areas from no proper upkeep but it's still very beautiful. An archway made of intertwined metal easily gives the vines growing on it a stable structure, which then sneak their way to the side of the house closest to them. Near the garden in an opening of the forest is a beautiful pond, like the garden, a bit of upkeep is needed.
"Everything in this forest is protected by my brothers and I. " Slenderman informed.
"Brothers?" He nods at my question.
"I have three. Trenderman, Splendorman, Offenderman." I look even more confused. He waves my confusioned expression off. "You'll meet them soon, they live in the forest and will come to visit at times. I will warn you of Offender, if he offers a rose, don't take it." I nod in response.
"I'm no lady to accept random gifts from strange men," I informed.
"He's very strange indeed." He said, a smile evident in his voice. "Anyways, I would recommend staying close to the house, you may venture to the water if you please, I will be able to track your whereabouts in the entirety of the forest, but for your safety from Offender, I'd recommend that." He explained.
"I see. I will abide by your rules in thanks for a roof and free reign to be of assistance." I curtsey to him, a piece of hair falling out of place, and a tendril appears behind him, surprising me but he puts the hair back into place before it disappears behind his back... He nods his head and places his hands behind his back. As we decide to head back inside.

Some months have passed, spring has sat in fully and I've thought of the idea of having a tea party for Sally, and inviting Slender along since she loves him so dearly. I knocked on his office door.
"Come in, Petal" He spoke from the other side. "Mr. Slender, would you like to join me for tea in about three hours? I would like to make some pastries and snacks, if you see Sally before me, please inform her that I am insistent on her coming." He chuckled and nods.
"I will let her know. I will see you then." He said before doing a small head bow and diving his nose back into his work. I head to the garden to see what I can do to make today magical for the little dear.
Some time has passed, and I've finished with the treats and changed dresses. I hear Sally loudly and excitedly speaking with Slender putting in a word or two.

"Good afternoon, you two." I smile at them before bowing. Sally makes a very loud wow at seeing my dress.
"I want a dress like yours too. Please please please!" She pleaded aggressively, making me smile.
"Now. Promise me you'll be a good girl and you will, I am preparing the materials for the other dress, my dear. Be patient." I reassured. She nods aggressively and hugs me tightly...well my waist.
"I promise!!" She squeaked. I look up to Slender with a sweet smile at her antics.
"I love her already," I said to him, making him laugh.
"You and me both." He responded. I pat her arms softly.
"Now my dear, ready for a tea party?" I asked her, she nodded as I took her hand and led her to the table I prepared outside. It's a beautiful spring afternoon. Perfect for a tea party outside. She ooed and awed at what I sat up. "Do you like it? Mr. Slender did it" I lied. She looked at the freakishly tall man and nodded.
"Thank you Slendy!!!" She screeched out while running to him and hugging his legs. He looked at me confused, I simply gave him a smile and nod.
"Now, let's all sit down and enjoy the little party. "I spoke to them as Sally ran to the table. Slender made an 'Ah ah ah ah!' noise at Sally making her stop.
"Let me pull the chair out for you, you're a lady. It's a good manner for a man to do so." She nodded and twiddled her thumbs awkwardly. He laughed at her reaction as he walked over and pulled out a chair for her, she hopped onto it and Slender pushed her in. He takes out the other chair and waves for me to sit down.
"Oh my, well thank you, Mr. Slender." I thanked him as I sat down.
"My pleasure." He sat in his seat.
Let the tea party commence.

The little tea party finished and Sally started to go play around. I sip my tea while watching her.

"Now...may I ask why did you lie and say I did it?" He asked me, making me laugh softly and look over with a smile.
"She is very fond of you, is it not quite endearing to know a father figure did it? She very much loves you. Even with what little time I've been here, it's obvious to see." I told him, placing my head in my hand that's on the table while looking back over to Sally again. He hummed in acknowledgment.
"I guess I'd agree. Thank you." I nod in response.
"It's my pleasure. I love seeing children happy. It brings joy to my soul. A light to my life." I could tell Slender was staring at me, so I looked over. "Does it make you happy? Seeing Sally enjoying herself in such a way?" I asked.


I look at her, looking at every feature of her. She has a few moles plastered randomly on her face, but it doesn't look ugly or disorganized, it fits her beautifully. She's bare-faced, she truly has no reason for makeup. She is a bit heavy set, but her corset slims her figure down dramatically, but the weight is not a dramatic amount sat on her, it seems to be mainly in her chest and hip area. It isn't distasteful on her, it fits her well. Her lashes are beautifully long and have a light ashy blonde tint to them. Her eyes shine what seems to be multiple colors underneath her hazel irises.
"Mr. Slender?" I jump at her voice. Not realizing I was staring. She laughed quietly in response.
"My apologies," I spoke while clearing my throat. "It does make me happy, seeing her this happy," I responded to her question finally, quickly looking away. What is wrong with me? She is stunning, but get a hold of yourself. Maybe because she's the beauty of the old time, not modern beauty; she's elegant and proper as well. That's not common for people nowadays.
"Would you like to see something, Mr. Slender?" She asked. I nod my head, curious. She looks beside her as an apparition of an oversized raven and dove appears, they begin to form into solid figures. "These are my spirit animals. I originally had the dove when I was alive, after death I obtained the raven." She informed me. They looked at me with cocked heads. Studying me.
"Who is this faceless stranger." The raven spoke in a deep guttural male voice.
"He's quite enchanting, to say the least. Quite mystical." The dove spoke in a soft smooth male voice.
"He is known as Slenderman." She told them. They take me in more, and I sit awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Sally sees the big birds and runs up, squealing and screaming in excitement, they lean their heads down to let her pet as they keep their eyes on me.
"I can sense deep down what you crave." The crow groaned from deep in its throat. "You crave intimacy, you crave her gaze upon you. You crave her knowledge." My mind starts scrambling. What!? What did it say?!
"Oh. How pure of a man you are, to see only beauty in such a woman. No clue of a future or present intended it seems, no? So pure." The dove cooed out, swooning in a way. She looks at the two of them confused.
"What are you two on about?" She asked.
"To see which you are to choose, for you see, the future will be detrimental and will determine your luck and love. Life is too grand and forgiving for humans, yet so harsh for the fellow wild. Take thou time and prosper in the mind of yourself for which you can only give yourself the answer." The dove whispered, fluttering its feathers on its throat. If I had eyes, they would be wide as hell right now. What do these birds know?
"We know all and none. Everything that's forsaken and lost. Everything that's forgiven and forgotten. Everything yet to be done." The raven answered. Petal continues sipping her tea, confused at their words.
" two are confusing the poor man and myself. What has gotten into you two?" She asked. They look to her.
"My lady, you know, but you don't. You are naive for your safety and happiness." The dove spoke to her, I could see her think. She makes a 'hm' sound.
"It may be so that I am. it not safest?" She asked. They purred and settled into the ground with Sally between them.
"In due time you will know what is safe and not. Life for now is beautifully safe, but don't hold your breath for trouble to arise." Dove said.
"What trouble?" I hesitantly spoke.
"Trouble for which you have been troubled for far too long." The raven hissed. I straightened myself up.
They nod.
"The one who is deemed insufferable even by Lucifer himself." The dove whispered, sounding cautious to state. Petal looks even more confused.
"Keep My Lady safe, for he will target her worsenthan ever before and will do unspeakable upon her as bait," Raven growled and protruded its neck out as its feathers flared. Dove shivered and leaned into Sally.
"The same is said for the little ones." It spoke softly, nuzzling its face against Sally's, making her giggle. I balled my hands up.
Zalgo has some guts to attempt anything against any of these creatures I call family.

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