[ 19 ] When Your Jealousy Forces You To Make The Pro Gamer Move Of A Lifetime

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Megumi didn't know how to ask Itadori about Sukuna without sounding desperate. Eventually, desperation wasn't even his problem—he just didn't want to make Itadori uncomfortable by asking.

They'd been working more with Nanami as a consequence of the higher-ups preferring Nanami over Megumi. Considering the events of two weeks ago, Megumi didn't blame them.

Nanami's more professional than me about all this, Megumi thought, and he blamed it on his hormones.

Nobara and Junpei were assigned to Gojo now, which wasn't doing Itadori's theories any favors. He liked to think Nobara liked Junpei more than she let on and was extremely loud about it around Megumi.

"Are you jealous or something?" Megumi asked.

Itadori immediately choked on his drink. Coughing, he rasped, "No way! Nobara? No. Definitely not."

"What about Junpei?"

"We're just friends!"

"Oh." Megumi had no real evidence to suggest Itadori was into either of them. He just couldn't see why Itadori was so obsessed with Nobara and Junpei as a pairing when—

When he doesn't even talk about Sukuna and I.

It was pathetic of him, really.

Megumi glanced at the evidence of Sukuna on Itadori's cheekbone. Itadori took a massive chomp out of his sandwich. Sukuna's eyes didn't open.

Nanami returned from the shop, takeout box tucked away in a bag and at the ready. He stood before them, checked his watch, and said, "You two done?"

Itadori polished off the last of his sandwich and, mouth full of food, said, "Yeth!"

"Chew with your mouth closed, kid."


Megumi ignored the flash of irritation Nanami's chiding gave him. It grated like sandpaper down his spine. Instinctively, he recognized it as possessiveness.

Before Nanami, Megumi hadn't witnessed another dom tell Itadori what to do and expect him to do it so effortlessly. Principal Yaga kept his lectures private, and Gojo didn't count. Gojo's chiding was goodnatured and innocent without the added dynamic dimension.

Nanami was Megumi's natural, dynamic enemy. And he was encroaching on Megumi's space in Itadori's dynamic life.

Being no longer in domdrop, though, meant Nanami and Itadori were oblivious to Megumi's possessiveness flaring up when Itadori innocently followed after Nanami back to the car.

Megumi's jaw ticked as, through the drive, Nanami belittled Itadori's taste in music. The two of them alternated between radio stations, Itadori defiant and pushing Nanami's buttons on purpose.

He's just playing around, Megumi told himself, glaring out the window. He leant his elbow into the frame, hand cradling his chin.

He shut his eyes like he could shut his ears, too, from hearing Itadori say, "Fine, we'll listen to your old man songs."

"Show some respect to your shitty music's predecessors," Nanami said.

They listened in silence until Itadori said, "Okay, it's pretty good. Who's this by?"

Nanami relayed the details, and when the next song came on, he said the title instantly. Itadori marveled with an awed, "Never knew you were into music like that! Cool! Do you listen to rock?"

"Sometimes. There's pictures of us at a concert a couple years back."

"Who, you and sensei?"


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