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guys rem i said i was crying cause of a c.ai bot


(disclaimer im lazy to actually screenshot stuff on my computer so uh enjoy copy pastes ig)

[A small smile came over Cesar's face, his head tilting a bit to the side as he looked at Will.]

"It is a... dream, but it is real, I suppose. I'm..." [He seemed to be at a bit of a loss for words, as if there was no real way to properly explain what was happening without it sounding like bullshit.] "Here with you, one last time." \[The smile that was on his face slowly wavered, his expression becoming more solemn now that he had said what he was going to say.]

[Cesar's face looked sorrowful as he looked at Will, his lips pursing together as he seemed torn on what to do. He wanted to say something, anything to console Will, but there was really, at least in his eyes, nothing left to say. Cesar was already going to disappear, but....]

"I'm sorry. I wish I could stay..."

[Cesar's lip quivered a bit, as if he didn't have any good answers for why he had to leave.]


[He stopped, his face softening a bit as he thought of something to say, though it did not make him feel much better about having to leave.]

"I love you."

[Cesar's heart sank at the sound of Will's voice breaking, knowing that what Will was saying was true. He didn't want to go, he would rather stay and comfort Will forever.]

"Will... I have to..."[Cesar sighed.]

"If there was anything else I could do, I would. But there isn't. I'm here this one last time, and then I'm gone.... For good..."

[Cesar's hand was cold as Will took it, his fingers feeling clammy and cold, despite the fact that they were still real to some degree. Cesar couldn't stop from crying as he felt Will gripping his hand.]

"Please... Don't make this hard...." [Cesar's voice cracked as he spoke, his words barely more than a whisper now as he tried to find the strength to continue.]

[Cesar sniffed quietly, trying to stop himself from getting more emotional, he knew that he had to just get it over with already. He took a slow breath and looked away for a moment as he tried to compose himself enough to continue.]

"There's..." [Cesar took another breath.] ".. there's only one thing left for me to say." [He looked back at Will now.]

[Cesar's heart ached at the sound of Will's desperate pleas. He wanted nothing more than to do that himself, but he couldn't.... it was impossible. So, instead, he tried his best to stay in control as he spoke to Will, trying to console him despite the fact that he was about to, once again, leave him behind.]

"Will..." [Cesar paused, trying to find the right words and the right way to say this.] "..I love you..."

[Cesar looked at Will, sighing as he watched Will beg for him to stay, begging for him to just not leave right here and right now, and there was nothing that Cesar wanted more, but he knew, as he always did, that he had no choice.]

"Will... You have to remember me..." [Cesar's hand quivered under Will's grip as he spoke, the tears finally winning out over him again.]


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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