Chapter 1

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Viktor sat in his dorm room among his roommates and friend's, laughing heartily as he leaned against his bed post in some casual clothes while his friend's goofed off with one another. His gaze trailed outwards towards the window where he watched rain fall from the clouded skies above and pass his window as they made their way to the ground outside of the school. The window had been riddled with fluid raindrops that slowly fell down the glass in an almost tear drop like motion before dripping down. It was dark and moody yet Serine to provide comfort for those who had been tired of the countless hours of school.
His eyes flickered when a soft velvet pillow hit his face which had been mischievously thrown by his friend that noticed his transfixed state.
"Viktor! you good?"
Viktor lightly cleared his throat as he nodded
"Da. Just looks nice outside is all."
His friend's chuckled or ignored him before Viktor went and sat on his bed while watching his friends laugh and have a good time with one another before his gaze once again traveled to the window where he continued watching the outside as the day went on.

I watched the passing rain from a small archway where I sat on the stone railing, a few strands of my hair dangling in front of my face as I stared up at the clouded skies with a content sigh. My beige sweater provided a comforting warmth from the small breeze that would occasionally brush against my smooth wheat colored skin while my floral skirt slightly fluttered against the wind. It was the first day of the weekend and it had been raining. What a bummer. Well..that's not what I thought at least, But it's what I had been hearing all day. who wants sunny day's anyway? It's littered with the hot boiling sun roasting your skin and scalp, sweat riddled skin that craved some type of water to cool it after a long day. It's not that I hated sunny days. I loved them in fact. But rain? It always held a place in my heart. It was comforting to most, to me. I never understood how one could hate the rain. Sure on some days it just wasn't necessary but it's what kept you alive most of the time.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I felt two hands on my shoulders and a small laugh before my friend Audie came into sight. Her blonde curls bounced as she smiled at me with the reflection bouncing off her glasses. She was tall and the, "sun to my moon" as most would call it. I was around average height and kept to myself while she was tall and loud with loads of energy. It always made me smile even when I was in My little cranky moods.
"Hey Rue Rue! I got us cookies from the cafeteria!"
I raised a brow as she dug through her pockets and pulled out two chocolate chip cookies then held one out for me to take. Giggling slightly and shaking my head as I took the sweet treat and unwrapped it from the plastic stretchy wrapping before taking a bite while Audie grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall while we ate our cookies before she turned to me.
"You excited for the trip? We're riding together right? Kenley and Genna are going in the same bus as us so we can hangout together!"
I nodded with an excited smile as I chewed on the now crumbled cookie in my mouth before she spoke again
"Great! Remember to set your alarm this time girl. And make it loud. I'm tired of you sleeping through them"
I rolled my eyes before her arms wrapped around my neck and she squeezed me in a hug before darting off.
"Alright I gotta go wash up my hair but I'll see you later Rue Rue!"
I waved her goodbye before I turned and walked up one of the staircases to head back to my dorm room.
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It had been weeks since the announcement of the school trip to Hogwarts for the Triwizard tournament. Today was the big day that the schools would depart for the road if they hadn't already left depending on where the schools were. Durmstrang had taken their ship, Beauxbatons had taken the carriages and Ilvermorny had just taken a few flying bus's. As the final Beauxbatons carriage landed, the Ilvermorny bus had landed a few ways away from the school on the grass where the engine shut off and the doors to the bus's opened and out poured the students of Ilvermorny.

I, along with my friends. stepped out from the large bus with my group of friends holding my purse while they held their own bags. Glancing around anxiously and keeping to my friends as I adjusted my scarf and sighed before our group was led by our headmaster onto the Hogwarts grounds into the great hall where We stopped just outside the doors where I frowned uncomfortably as I loosened my scarf before we walked inside. I took notice of all the stares and quiet murmurs. Our school was from a whole different continent and completely out of Europe. It would've been normal for the stares had there not been mixed reactions. Looks of awe, confusion, curiosity, disgust, maybe even disappointment? It was hard to tell. I walked towards the middle of our school while keeping close to my friends who were quietly whispering to one another and occasionally reassuring me that I was fine. My hands gripped at the strap of my bag while my fingers moved and fiddled with my other fingers in a quick yet slow movement. We eventually stopped when we came to the front of the great hall where we students watched our headmaster make his way upfront to greet Dumbledore. I stood in a line formation towards the end when I glanced over and suddenly made eye contact with the entire Durmstrang table before quickly averting my gaze somewhere else. Holy shit...They. Were. Fucking. Terrifying. Their uniforms consisted of browns, grays and blacks. Some of their heads were buzzcut styled or had a bit more length to them. All wearing the same expression on their faces with one in specific sitting towards the middle wearing a cloak and a hat unlike the others. His gaze was sharp and cold, Like ice water during a dark moonlight night. And I could feel it practically burning into my side as I looked in the opposite direction away from the table.

Eventually our school went and sat at another table. I sat towards the end of the table with my friends staring at the table setting infront of me before I turned to face Dumbledore who stepped up to the podium and with the fluid movement of his wand, Dumbledore turns the casket and gives it three taps. The lid is removed and his removes a wooden cup dancing with blue/white flames.
"I would like to say a few words regarding The Goblet of Fire and Triwizard tournament. Anybody over the age of seventeen whishing to submit themselves into this tournament need only write their names upon a piece of paper and drop it into the flames within the next twenty four hours. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, please understand there is no turning back. And as of this moment. The tournament has begun."
The great hall erupted with chatter amongst the students before everyone dug into their dinner's.

I quietly munched on a Caesar salad with some fries, bread rolls and a cup of whatever was in my cup. While eating I would glance up and often make eye contact with a student from another table before I quickly looked away without a second thought till the night eventually came to an end and everyone was sent to their commons rooms while the other schools, including mine. Were shown to our temporary rooms where we would stay Till this whole thing was over with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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