KnitSilk | Crafting Luxury |

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Knitsilk is a renowned brand specializing in silk products. we offer high-quality silk yarns and blends, catering to global clients. Their vision is to make luxury affordable, and they achieve this by providing custom-made silk products. Knitsilk's infrastructure includes well-equipped facilities for dyeing and printing. Our commitment to quality and craftsmanship sets them apart, making them a brand with purpose.

Categories - Yarns, Ribbons, Scarves, Clothing, Home Decor, Fibers, Silk Accessories

Keywords - Merino Silk Wool, Mulberry Silk Fibres, Silk Cut Cocoons, Hand Dyed Silk Cocoons, Mulberry Silk Ribbons.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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