six, brady's a dumbass.

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SIX 🗞️ ˎˊ˗
real life, imessage

SIX 🗞️ ˎˊ˗real life, imessage

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a sigh left the younger noon's lips as he ended the call with madison, a feeling of both relief and nervousness filling his entire being.

relief that madison hadn't decided to cut the call and all complete ties with him and nervousness because, well he just invited her to a party of his that still needed to get things for and invite the whole school at that!

but in his defence, he just wanted and needed any reason to see her again.. to see her smile that he so desperately missed so much.

"connor?" suddenly, brady's voice came from the other end of connor's closed door as he sat up from his bed. "come in."

"so do you have any idea to get a raging ex off from texting you non stop." his older twin immediately began as he walked into connor's room, his face planted into his phone. "erm what."

"it's alex man! i can't take it anymore; doesn't she get the hint of a break up?" brady sighed before implanting himself on connor's bed, a frustrated sigh leaving him.

"don't spread your depression all over my bed now.." connor snorted out as his brother shot him a dark look before sitting up. "i am not depressed; i'm compressed! i seriously need this girl to leave me alone or she'll drive me to an early grave before i even get a chance to go to UCLA."

"well as long as you don't hurt some other girl in the process by getting with her." connor stated before realising his mistake as he turned to see brady with a mischievous grin across his face.

"brady don't you dare." but he were already rushing out of his room, his fingers typing away on his phone. "me and my big mouth.." connor muttered to himself, lifting his phone as he scrolled through old photos of him and madison, a somber expression on his face.

if he could turn back time and take back every hurtful and demeaning word he ever texted to maddie, he could and would but with the weight of her overall happiness basically resting on his shoulders, he had no choice but to let her go and watch her be happy with someone else.

even if that someone else were someone he truly despised with passion.

it was known by practically everyone that connor and ethan were not the other's biggest fan. i wouldn't really call it a rivalry between them; more of a mutual hatred.

connor hated ethan for how he would treat his friends madison in their relationship and ethan simply hated connor because he knew that he could easily rub his relationship with madison in his face and that he couldn't do anything about it.

𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭, connor noon.Where stories live. Discover now