Chapter one

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Hi there! Im Nicky,18 today is a bad day at
The first day of highschool there's this one guy named Elijah who's a bully ONLY
To me.... WOW RUDE! ugh....i hate him,
My friend's even had a crush on him!
Ugh i hate him so so much like wow!
But i decided to prank him back because he pulled out pranks every chance he got,
Annoying right? Anyways i made a prank
To put a water bucket on top of the class door but then my prank failed, Elijah
Let the teacher go first because he was outside for a momment so the prank went
Over to the i got detention cause ELIJAH snitched on me!
Ugh hate him, anyways i did the same prank again and made sure he didn't see me setting up the prank because my new bestie was distracting him by flirting, i was actually kinda jealous cause he actually enjoyed it well um i obviously
Didn't like him...then he fell for the trap
But he was wearing a shirt that could dissapear when touched by water all the girl's saw his abs and they were like
It was so loud but honestly i blushed so hard i went straight outta the door but he caught me and flirted with me he was like
"Wow are you wifi because i need you"
I was so blushing hardly,the girls were so jealous, then i actually ran away,i hate him! Im sooo blushing ugh!, then i went home after school when i was tryna sleep
I kept thinking about that incident ugh
He was so hot! I love him honestly now,
Then the next day everyone was talking about what happened yesterday with him
AHHHHHHGGG im so embarassed once i saw him i slapped him and said
He laughed and said
"Playing hard to get i see?"
I was blushing once again i went to my seat...then my teacher said we had a history quiz i did terrible, but then he cornered me in an empty spot near my locker and kissed me i was like
The teacher's heard me and saw us kisin
And the teacher was like
Turns out the meaning of that was
Hey don't kiss eachother without telling your besties your hooking up with eachother i was amzazed that the teacher's told the whole school about it
I hate them.

Bye yall hope yall enjoyed period!
Chap two maybe soon

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