Maya Chen's Entree #1

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Planet: Verdantia
Brim Level: Low
Occupied by: The Neo-Ecologist

Maya Chen is the leader of NatureTech Labs. Despite her age being 21, she managed to find ways to use Brim without harming the environment. However, her inventions are not preferred by any factions, even Neo Ecologies itself due to the process draining a little bit of the power in Brim, and each faction like to use Brim to its full potential.

Maya sat at her table and looked out the window of NatureTech Research Center. Despite the amount of Brim in Verdantia being rare, it has one of the most beautiful forest. It doesn't have any hostile animals so travelers are safe from it. But Maya fears one thing, no natural predators mean no survival instinct.

Maya brushes off those feelings. She observed 2 Verdantia Elk chasing eachother while 7 were eating grass. On top of the trees, a Gaia Sloth moved slowly to reach its favourite leaf. Maya smiled before reaching her diary and opening it. She takes a pen and begins to write something in the diary.

"Dear Diary"

"While I'm saddened by the fact nobody will use my inventions to preserve nature, the beauty of the Verdantia Forest really calmed me. The animals never fought eachother and trusted outsiders that came here. However, that kind off worries me. What if a predator emerges? These animals can't defend themselves. That's why I will direct my company to that direction. Nature is too beautiful to die."

As Maya closed her diary, a roar can be heard. She rushes to her telescope room, and saw a Solarian Drake, flying over Verdantia.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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