Hold My Heart It's Beating For You Anyway [Tony Perry Love Story]

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I sighed as the engine turned off, parked outside the house I visited almost everyday untill a few months ago.

"Are you coming in?" I asked as I stared at the front door of the house

"No" he replied as he sat in the drivers seat, his hands still on the steering wheel.

"Thanks, Vic." I said sarcastically as I undid the seatbelt and went to open the passenger side door.

"This is between you and him, not me." he replied and I got out of the car, shutting the door behind me harder than necersary as I made my way up the driveway and knocked on the front door. I wasn't angry at Vic, I was angry at him.

I stood there for a minute before knocking again, harder this time. Before long the door was opened by Tony Perry in a stupid snap-back hat with a stupid grin that didn't last long when he saw me, looking the exact same as he had the last time I had seen him.

"Lucy.." he said and I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Hi Tony." I replied as he stood to the side to let me in, closing the door behind me. He walked into the living room and I followed behind silently, it looked the exact same as it did before, too. I couldn't help but feel a little sad at the sight.

"Look," I said "I'm only here because Vic wants us to talk things through. He says it's not right all of us not being 'best friends' like we used to be." I folded my arms and leant against the wall. Tony sat down and let out an audible sigh.

"Luce, I've tried explaining things before but you're too stubborn to listen."

"Well, I'm doing it for Vic this time." I snapped back as I didn't appreciate him calling me stubborn.

He rubbed his face with his hands before he spoke "We went on tour, Luce. What else is their to explain?"

"Yeah, without telling me. One day you're all here the next I come round and no one answers. No one replies to my calls or anything Tony! That's what I want explaining!" I couldn't help my voice rising at the end along with my anger.

"Why don't you ask Vic or Mike about it then?" Tony asked "Why ask me?"

"Because I wasn't dating Vic or Mike, I was dating you and I would have thought that you would have had the common decency to tell me if you were leaving for months to go on tour!" I tried to keep my voice down, to try and at least somewhat talk this through, but sadly I was failing, miserably.

Tony let out a sigh of frustration as he put his hands on his head before sitting back up straight, this time he spoke quietly "What was I meant to say Luce? 'Yeah dating these past months have been great but now me and all your best friends are leaving for three months, so bye.' Because somehow I don't think that would have gone down well with you."

I unfolded my arms and furrowed my brow as I listened to him speak "Look Tony, I'm not bothered about you all leaving. I'm bothered about none of you telling me, and when I ask Vic, Mike and even Jaime they all tell me to come and ask you. So that's what I'm doing. I'm asking you and I expect an answer." I spoke quietly as I watched him, I saw regret and hurt flash across his face before he spoke again. He moved his gaze to the floor infront of him.

"I told them not to tell you.. I didn't know how to tell you.. I really loved you Luce, and I regret not telling you that we were leaving, if I could go back and do it differently I would, believe me I would, but I can't."

I looked at him and a frown formed on my lips, he looked sad.. nothing else, just sad. I silently walked out, out of the room, out of the house and as far as I could tell, out of his life and back into Vic's car.

"I really loved you, Luce" 

That one sentence kept playing through my head, over and over. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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