A Human phoenix

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The most frightening moment of one’s life is perhaps when he realizes society is based on lies and why. For some people it can occur around the ages of thirty or forty, for others in their teen years. The fact is that we all realize that we were born into an ocean of lies and that, even though an occasional breeze of truth might create a storm, we’re just doomed boats anchored in deception. Personally, I didn’t realize it for a long time…

That winter was particularly harsh. I remember because ice had formed on the outside of my house, just under the roof, and when it finally fell, it broke one of my vases.  Even though it was extremely cold, the sun was shining through the glacial breeze on snow-caped hills. This winter wonderland also had its down side… Ben Hampshire, a good friend of mine, went one day into the cold to meet a girl he had just met a couple of days ago. It was supposed to be a romantic outing but Ben started sneezing on his way to his date. Following that, his nose became runny and he coughed like a professional smoker a few times. By the time he reached her, he was completely sick and had to get some rest. She tried to get him to rest, as she said later on during the hearing, but he just wouldn’t listen. They went on their date and all was going well until Ben started getting dizzy. This got him upset and he started to be less polite than he really was. 

At the end of the day, he came home alone, sick mentally and physically. Too brave to ask for help and too sick to understand what he was doing, he drank a lot of medicine to make the pain go away and to get better as quickly as possible. The next day, he never woke up as told me the forensics department.

The funeral took place a week later. Ben wasn’t very sociable so it was an intimate service. I met his lawyer there. A tall man with an expensive golden watch on his wrist and a black leather briefcase in his hands. He pulled me away from the rest of the group saying he wanted to speak with me privately. We departed to a small cabinet and the lawyer shut down the door firmly behind him. « Have a seat » he said attempting to smile for a nanosecond to lessen my discomfort. He sat down in front of me as well, put his expensive briefcase on the table, opened it and took out an extensive paperwork. « I have here Mr Hampshire testament, Mr Wellington » he continued handing me a copy of the testimony. « As you can see, Mr Hampshire has left you an important amount. His estates, as well as his cars go to his family that I’ve already met with the day after. But half of the money he has deposited in his bank go to you Mr Wellington. 

- To me ? I asked surprised by this revelation.

- Yes sir, he responded glancing at his watch. Mr Hampshire held you in his hearth. Indeed, he has modified his will not long ago asking me to put you in the text. 

- To whom was it destined before ? I enquired dazzled.

- I believe he intended it to go to charity. Responded the lawyer promptly.

- Do you happen to know why he has changed his mind in such a way sir ?

- As far as I’m concerned, he told me it was a private matter and he added that it would help you go to college. I specifically remember him saying that last sentence because he giggled at the end. I never figured out why he had said that.

- Well, I said pretending to yawn, I guess we’ll never know. »

I stood up and shook the lawyer’s hand firmly. We both exchanged goodbyes and he was just about to leave when I inquired 

« Sir, I was wondering. 

- Yes ? 

- What university did you attend ? I asked taking another peep at his watch.

- Oxford. Why ?

- Oh, just wondering. I said pretending to yawn once again »

The lawyer left shutting the door behind him and here I was, a young modest cab driver just made 100,000 pounds richer, with no hint of a plan. I became Ben’s product, a new addition to the world of the new rich. That night,  I wandered home staring at various stores and restaurants.Although I could afford pretty much all of them, I didn’t even step into any of them. None of this stores appealed me as I knew that, at the second I make a purchase, I start my pitiful descent from my new rank down to reality. So, I just marched back home, made myself a cup of tea and went to sleep after one last thought about Ben. It was time for me to move on and I do so I shall… 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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