Chapter 18

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(this is an continuem of Chapter 17 but it's Devin's POV)

Jam-or Devin's POV:

After I closed the bathroom door because Olivia was in the bathroom and I accidentally walked in on her. I swear, I saw, Tinkerbell? From Peter Pan? And a kid who looked like the Henry kid that Olivia had been talking to. "Wha-?"

(Time skip: A hour or Tinkerbell trying to convince James that he's a Lost Boy in Never-Land named Devin)

It was like an hour before I actually started to believe her. "Okay, then, where's Never-Land?" I asked her, with confusion in my voice. "Not to fast, Devin. You don't believe me all the way. I have to tell you everything". She replied quickly, pointing and shaking a finger at me.

"First, Olivia is a Lost Girl, well her mother, Emma took her from her real parents, Prince Charming, Snow White. And Emma took her to Neverland where you two became best friends. Then one sad, sad day Emma wanted to leave Neverland, and after you two had a VERY sad conversation she left and you two never seen each other since. Well, not until now". Henry added looking at me showing me the story book in his arms.

It had a picture of me! With Olivia. It was a picture of Olivia and I when we were kids playing together! With the caption:

And with that the best friends are playing together in the flower field and dancing to Pan's flute.

I smiled at the picture and before I could say something or react Tinkerbell and Herny grabbed my hands and I was in Never-Land!

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