The name's

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When you were walking to school today you saw some people looking at you.And some went up to you and said 'you did so good on the hero course' and others said 'you should have won 1st'.

When you got to class most people were talking about it.And then aziawa came in "you all need code names".And some people didn't understand what he was saying till he said we were going to get hero names.And pick the place we were going to train.

When he put the offer things on the screen todroki had 4123 bakugo had 3556 and you had 3291.Others had 360 301 272 108 68 20 and 14.

Damn that must suck for them.

Then some people were saying and questioning how bakugo got less then todroki "If I scared a pro hero there just weak!!" You herd him yell.

Then midnight and said some stuff about how we are going to pick our hero name's first.

Then you got s bored you thought of something with ghost and the ghost face but that's from a movie.

But nope.

Then you thought of shadow because why not so you wrote it down.

Then she said we had to present them to everyone one.

I don't want to but like I would go first so some people would not remember very well but nope.

Then the someone went up and said there name was 'i can not stop twickiling'

But midnight changed it a bit so it was 'cant stop twickiling'

Then mina went up and said it was alien queen.But midnight didn't like it.

Then Tsu said she had one and it was froppy it was kinda cute then people started cheering and yelling froppy.Then kirishima came up and sis it was red riot.

Then jiro made a funny joke for denkis name and then she went up she said her name was earphone jack.

Other people soon came up and said there names like cellophane and sugarman pinky and chargebult.

Then bakugo came up and he said king explosion murder then Midnight said that's a little to violent.

I mean she's not wrong maybe king explosion or explosion king would be good you thought.

You came up after him and said to midnight that you couldn't decide between ghost face or shadow.

Then damn bakugo yelled something about how I should be ghost bitch.

Mother fucker

Midnight said shadow would be good so you kept it.

The others soon came up and then midnight said bakugo had to change his lord explosion murder.

This dumbass you thought

Then we were going to pick our place were going to go.

You didn't know what to pick because you wanted to save a d fight people.

It was soon lunch and you were still thinking.

You heard Uraraka say she was going to an agency that is more fighting.

That was good for her but you haven't thought of one yet and neither did izuku you saw bakugo trembling with a bad look on his face.

Then he mutted idiots while crushing his papoa bit the fuck you good my guy.

And izuku started talking more soon you left and then you saw on the news Iidas brother was hurt by one of the villains.

Poor Iida.

We soon got back to school and aziawa was talking and mina said "gotcha" "speak properly" aziawa said damn.

You choose best jeanist.

You soon found out bakugo choose that agency as well.


°•~With the lov~•°

Shigaraki wants the hero killer to join them but shigaraki just wants to kill allmight and the little brat aka midoria.But the hero killer said "I was a fool to think you could offer me anything it turns out your the type of person i hate most in this world". "The goles of your league are those of a child" then he pulled out his swords katana knife thing or whatever the hell it is.

Then one of the villains started talking to the TV and the TV responded with some things.

°•~Back to you and bakugo~•°

Best jeanist was scolding bakugo saying that everyone was a perfect angel unlike him L I'm a perfect angel you thought.Then bakugo looked like he got tied with strings.

To be continued.

From me to you pookie

I'm sorry I haven't been posting 😭 I'm hella busy but I will make sure to watch more mha episodes and write them down bc I need to make more of these but I will make these every Friday and if I don't I'll post it the next day or next Friday also I made this one today and I'll make another on Friday to show my apologies :)).

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