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Weeks passed, and Harry was feeling antsy. He couldn't help but feel like something was about to happen. It was a month before Yule, and everyone, everyone besides Harry, was talking about what they planned to do for their holidays. He was planning to ask permission to stay at Hogwarts.

He hasn't encountered Voldemort so far, which he finds odd because the man would have normally attacked at least five times by now.

He had also been having odd dreams lately about a small baby no older than around one-year-old. It had a small tuft of blonde hair and red eyes. The baby was always crying as it was picked up by a faceless figure and whisked away into the darkness. There were two other figures there; he assumed they were the baby's parents. His dream always ended the same way: with the baby being dropped into a void, wailing loudly as it sank.

Whenever he woke up, he always felt alone, like he was missing something important, but he didn't know what.

He didn't know what the dream meant, and he didn't want to mention it to anyone.

He was currently sitting in the library, trying to finish a twelve-inch paper about deviation that the professor assigned. He would have asked Hermoine for help, but lately, she and Ron have been sneaking off to have make-out sensations and other stuff in abandoned classrooms, which he had heard them doing more than he would like.

As he sat there reading the textbook, he caught a glimpse of someone walking by his table. Looking he noticed it was Malfoy. The blonde looked at him for a few seconds before looking away. That was another thing he didn't understand. Malfoy has been avoiding him since the start of the year. He would look at Harry with an unreadable expression before looking away.

Harry wished he knew what was going on in the blonde's head; he wished he could ask. But he didn't think Malfoy would appreciate his concern. Sighing, he placed down his book and looked out the window. The snow was light on the ground, a thin layer of white, and the sunlight reflected harshly back at him.

He watched as a few other students walked around, some throwing snow at each other, and laughed while others watched.

He sat there for almost an hour before he heard a chair pull out beside him. Turning he saw Ron sitting down and Hermoine walking towards them with a pile of books in her hand.

Looking at them it was clear what they were doing before coming there. Ron's tie was loose, his shirt was wrinkled, his zipper was down and his hair was all over the place. Hermoine's shirt was wrinkled as well, her skirt twisted to the side and her hair even more unruly, and if that didn't give it away. The lingering smell of sex sure did. Harry wrinkled his nose, wondering why they couldn't have fixed themselves before coming to the library.

Just then another Weasley popped up. Making Harry frown, Ginny had been clingy as ever, no matter how many times he said no. She was persistent about them being a couple. At this point, Harry wasn't sure if she wanted him for him or something else with the way she was acting.

Ginny came over to home and dropped herself over him, frowning as he pushed her off. "I'm trying to do my work, Ginny," he said in a monotone voice, picking up the book he discarded early. He heard her high before sitting on the chair opposite him.

He had just finished the last sentence of his essay when he felt something on his leg. Frowning he looked up to see Ginny looking at him with what could only be described as bedroom eyes while twirling her. The thing on his leg moved higher until he looked down to see it was her foot.

Having had enough, he stood up, packed his things, and left the library. He was so close to hexing her with every move she made on him.

Having nothing else to do, Harry decided to head to the tower.


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Word count: 682

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 8 am

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