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Kuno woke up in the morning to a soft knock on his door, groaning as he rolled off the bed. "Come in," he mumbled and the door opened.

He saw Tom poke his head in. "Hey," he said, coming in, walking over to the bed, and standing next to it. I was wondering if you wanted to have breakfast with me. I have meetings all day today, and I wouldn't be able to see you until dinner," he said, a bit hesitant, as if he wasn't sure Kuno would say yes.

"I would love to," Kuno smiled and climbed out of bed, "I'll get dressed and meet you down there?" Kuno asked and Tom gave a small smile before exiting the room.

Kuno quickly got dressed and went to the dining room, where Tom was waiting for him. They ate in silence before going to Tom's office. "My meeting is supposed to start in a few minutes. You can stay here until then," Tom said, and he sat behind his table to sort through papers.

Five minutes later, a pop altered the two to the presence of Severus, who apparated in. Turning in his seat, Kuno looked at the dark wizard standing before him. The beauty of the man hit him first, then the smell. Mates.

The two were drawn out of their staring when a knock came at the office door. "Come," Tom called and a tall man dressed in black slacks, a black shirt, a leather trench coat, and large black boots. His hair was slicked back and his hard grayish-blue eyes glanced around the room before they settled on the dark-haired vampire and blonde Veela in the room. He snitched the air. "Mates," He growled.

"Mr. Greyback," Tom said, and the werewolf looked at him. "I see some introductions are in order, This is Severus Snape," he said, pointing to the uncomfortable-looking vampire submissive. "And this is my son, Kuno Malfoy Riddle," Tom said, and the wolf just nodded.

"Bloody hell," Severus finally said before he apparated out of the room.

The sound of the apparition seemed to snap the Veela in the room out of his trance and he too apparated out of the room. "I'm sorry, Fenrir, I don't know what that's about," Tom said, trying to reassure the werewolf who had a look of confusion and hurt on his face.

"I guess the meeting can be put off; I'll talk to those two; you can have any room in the guest wing until you three have talked," He finished, and Fenir nodded, so Tom called a house-elf to lead him to a room.

Tom left his office and went to the one place he knew a certain vampire would be. Marching down the stairs to the basement, he opened the door to the potion lab, and just as he thought, he found Severus making a potion.

"No," the man said before Tom could even speak. "You know I don't like werewolves."

"So, you will reject him, but what about Kuno?" Tom asked, leaning on the doorway. "Will you reject him too?" He pressed.

"I don't know," Severus said, dropping an ingredient in his cauldron.

"But you have always wanted your mate, what has changed?" Tom asked.

"Years of waiting, and one of them is a werewolf, the things I have nightmares about, and one of them is the son of my two best friends," Severus retorted, looking up at the man in his doorway.

"Yes, but they are still your mates, made for you. They need you, you need them as well," Tom said as a matter of fact.

"They can have a relationship with each other," Severus replied.

"Yes, but they need you. Fenrir is an Alpha, and Kuno is a Dom/Sub. They need their submissive partner to balance them out. That's why fate made the three of you fit perfectly together, your characteristics mesh," Tom said, and Severus glared slightly.

"Why do you have to be so logical?" Severus asked, and Tom smirked. "Will you take your own advice, though?" he asked, and Tom looked at him.

"Give Fenrir and Kuno a chance," Tom said, and Severus raised a brow.

"We'll see," Severus said, and Tom shrugged.

"I'll go talk to Kuno." Tom said turning around, "I'll see you at dinner,"


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Word count: 697

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 11 am

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