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That same night Lucius

Lucius walked into the ballroom and looked around. He saw Draco and Viktor off to a corner, talking softly to each other, and a slight blush on his son's cheeks. He tore his gaze away from them and looked at the other occupants of the room. Not seeing his other two friends, he made his way further into the room to mingle until they arrived.

"Lucius," A familiar voice said behind him, and the blonde froze. He knew that voice all too well.

"Igor," he greeted as he took in the other man's outfit. "It's a pleasure to see you, as always," he continued, and The Drumstrang headmaster gave him a sly smile.

"I'm sure it is," He said as he stepped closer to the veela. "I heard you and Narcissa have parted ways," He said, an almost sad look on his face as he slowly reached out and played with a lock of Lucius's hair.

Lucius eyed the man carefully, he knew the other had been practically waiting for this day. Since the first day they met, he has taken to flirting with the Alpha making sure his interest was well known, but he had still kept his distance. He had told Lucius that he would like nothing more than for him to pound him through a bed. But when he married Narcissa, he limited the flirting because he wouldn't be the reason for their marriage to break up and he could wait because he was a patient man who always got what he wanted.

"Don't give me that face, Igor," Lucis said as he moved close into the man's personal space, "You know you're dancing with glee on the inside right now," He said, just as the ballroom door opened, and his two best friends came into the room. He watched as Severus walked over to Kuno and the look his son got on his face as the dark man stood in front of him.

"Who's the handsome young lad Snape is talking to?" Igor asked and Lucius raised a brow at him. "What?" the shorter man asked, taking a sip of champagne from the flute he took from the house elf that was passing by.

"That's mine and Tom's son," he answered, and the headmaster sputtered. Champagne flew out of his mouth but was stopped by his hand and spilled all over his robes.

"Yours and Toms?" he asked, and Lucius could swear he saw the light in the other man's eyes dull. "Why does everyone else get a chance with you before I do?" Igor asked, before shaking his head. "I am going to get cleaned up," and without waiting for a response, he turned and walked out of the ballroom, leaving a confused Lucius by himself.

"Are you not going to follow him?" Tom said as he came up beside the blonde.

"He is going to clean up. I think he should do that by himself," Lucius replied and received a smack on the back of the head from Severus who came up on the other side.

"He is a wizard, Lucius. He could have done that right. He is obviously jealous, and you're too daft to see it," the black-haired man said. Lucius raised a brow before realizing that his friend was right.

"Shit," He swore before heading in the direction the other man left. He made his way down the hall, glancing in rooms to see if the other had gone in one of them. He walked past a guest bedroom and caught sight of a figure standing out on the balcony. "Igor," He said, stepping into the room. the other man turned to look at the outside view.

"I didn't mean to make you upset," the blonde said, walking up to the rail and peering over at the other man. "I have no feelings for Tom in the way you might be thinking. He and I slept together at the Longbottom engagement party," He told the brunette and Karkaroff huffed.

"And I told you my feelings for you almost half a year before your father decided for you to marry a Black and that Longbottom party," He said, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at the blonde.

"You knew my father..." "would not have let you date and marry a pathetic male omega; I heard it quite a lot from him before he died; I don't need to hear it from you too, Lucius," Igor cut him off, and Lucius gaped at him.

"He told you that?" he asked. He couldn't believe his father would stoop so low to call someone pathetic just because they were an omega.

"Every day I came over. That's why he married you to Black. No chance of disgracing the family there," The shorter man said, his voice getting caught on the last word.

Lucius reached for the man and pulled him into his arms without much thought. "I am sorry. I did not know he said those things to you," he said as the other wrapped his arms around him and buried his head closer to his chest.

"You were supposed to be my Alpha," Igor hiccuped and Lucius tightened his arms around him.

"I was always your Alpha, Igor," He said, "We may not have been together, but there was nowhere else I would have rather been. You must know that I would have gone against my father if he didn't threaten to disown me."

"Really?" Karkaroff asked, pulling away. Instead of answering, Lucius leaned in and connected their lips, pulling away after a few seconds.

"I swear it," the blonde said before taking his hand and pulling him inside. "Let's go in; it's getting chilly," he said, and the two walked off the balcony and out of the bedroom, heading back toward the party.


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Word count: 953

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 3:30 pm

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