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Kuno was nervous, Why? It was Severus's birthday. Normally he knew exactly what to give someone for their birthday. When he was friends with Dumbledore's minions, he just gave them a book or food, and that was it.

With his mate, it was so different. The man loved potions, but he already had a million potion things. And Kuno couldn't just be up to him and ask him what he wanted for his birthday. He growled as he fell back on the couch in their living room; Fenrir, who was reading a book, looked up at him. "What's got your knickers in a twist?" The wolf asked and the Veela sighed.

"Today is Severus's birthday, and I still don't have a gift for him," he grumbled. "I know we are throwing him a surprise party in the chambers, but I can't turn up empty-handed. What kind of mate would I be?" He asked, and Fenrir stood and came over to him.

"You know Sev will be grateful for whatever you get him," Fenrir said. He's a vampire. They don't need many material things," he said, and Kuno shot up.

"I know what I'm going to get him," He said as he jumped up and ran to the floo. Fenrir watched and shook his head as the shorter male disappeared into a puff of green smoke. He went back to his chair and picked up his book.

It wasn't till an hour before Severus's party that Kuno came back to Hogwarts. He apparated right into the living, shocking his two mates who were sitting there waiting for him. "Kuno, you're just in time for dinner," Severus said, as he headed towards the door.

Kuno looked at Fenrir who gave him a stable nod to tell him that everything was in place. "Sev," Kuno said and the man hummed as he continued towards the great hall. "We aren't going to the great hall for dinner tonight," Kuno said, taking the onyx-eyed man's hand and leading him up to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

Kuno whispered the password, and the sink opened. He allowed his two mates to enter first before following, closing the entrance behind him. They made their way toward the chambers. They entered, and Severus gasped at the scene in front of him. "Happy birthday," Everyone said, including the rest of the Malfoys, The Lestrange twins, Tom, Viktor, and Karkaroff.

Severus smiled at the group as he went closer. There was a small table with gifts, a table with food and chairs for all of them. "We knew you didn't want anything big, so here we are," Fenrir said, what he didn't expect was for Severus to hug him.

"Thank you," he said as he pulled away and went over to the group. They enjoyed their time at the small party, talking and laughing. When that was over, the others used the floo in the chamber to leave, and the three gathered up the gifts and went back to their quarters.

They entered, and Severus sat on his couch to open his gifts. When he opened the last gift, it was from Fenrir. Kuno pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to the potion master, who looked at him skeptically. He hesitantly took the box and unwrapped it, opening it, and his mouth dropped open. "I-it...these are..." Severus gapped at the necklace lying in the box.

"A blood and a moon crystal," Kuno said, looking down at the red and blue crystals. "I know that they are precious to a vampire," and Severus smiled as he placed the necklace around his neck.

Meanwhile, in the headmaster's office, Dumbledore sat behind his desk. He had been trying to locate Harry Potter ever since the year started with no luck. Frustrated, he grabbed a handful of lemon drops and tossed them into his mouth, loving the sweet taste. 


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Word count: 636

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 4:30 pm

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