Tygren x Thalleous Story 4

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In this story Thalleous and Tygren's clan are swapped which I kinda thought while doing some scratch drawing on my scratch book. Some personalities are swapped aswell Thalleous is a bit uh.. well kinda like Tygren's personality while Tygren's personality is sweet-like so let's start

Thalleous was lying down on his bed reading his book until Tygren came in his room

Tygren: Hello, my love~

Tygren lied on the bed with Thalleous but Thalleous was a bit annoyed

Thalleous: What do you want?

Tygren answered

Tygren: Love.. from you

Thalleous sighed in annoyance but he hugged Tygren and kissed him on his cheek while Tygren chuckled

Thalleous: There, happy?

Tygren replied

Tygren: Hmm...

Tygren kisses Thalleous on the lips then Thalleous blushed hard

Tygren: Now I'm happy

Tygren smiled sweetly while Thalleous was still red and annoyed

Thalleous: Shut up...

Tygren cuddled Thalleous the Thalleous stroked his hair

Tygren: I love you darling~

Thalleous stuttered

Thalleous: I.. love you too

Forgive me if was too short that's all I can make😭😭

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