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"Do you think we'll be together forever?"
The moon cast a dim blue light over the grassy cliff. The two best friends were chatting away about who knows what. On this island, they were known as 'the power duo' 'the unexpected duo' and even 'the duo who'd die for eachother.' Although not everything was a smooth ride, the two always made up the end. Or would they?
"Hey ———, wanna go see the view? I heard it's nicer when it's a full moon," he suggested, the tips of his lip curving into a kind smile.
"Sure, I'd like to see that," she giggled, stumbling to her feet - her hazel eyes glistening in the moonlight.
They sat down at the edge of the cliff together, the sound of gentle waves gently crashing against the rocks echoing through their ears. Tonight was a blue moon: a special event that only happened once every two years.

A loud roaring noise caused him to jump. In panic he swiveled his body around to find nothing there but another muffled scream coming from what seemed like the distant forest. There was always something wrong with the forest no matter what: whether it was a new animal mutation, the prey becoming the predators, or if there was even an odd stain of red liquid on the forest floor.

"Phew, ——— are you oka-" he turned back around with a relived look on his face. "..———? Is this another one of your jokes? Where'd you go? Did I do something wrong?" panic arose in his voice. He searched around in desperation.

"Shit what did I do." his breathing intensified "Where are you." ———'s eyes began to tremble, his thoughts darting everywhere.
"No, no, no... please.." afraid of the answer, he slowly turned back around to the edge of the cliff. His body was trembling in fear as he took a peak down. "no no.. I cant of.. I'm a monster.." tears began to swell up in his eyes, "———..? Are you there?" he sat there in silence, his tears shone under the pale moon which gazed down at him. This can't be happening.

He couldn't believe this. Years worth of friendship. Gone. Just from some stupid little mistake. Maybe she's ok. His heart was racing; he glanced up at the moon, fluffy, ash grey clouds which were slowly crawling to conceal the moon.

The wind harshened. What were soft leaves of grass waving in the wind turned into harsh blades which seemed to say "get out."
The once calming waves smashed against the helpless rocks, sending a wave of despair over them as they wailed "help me!" A howling gust of air blew him back: you could hear the empty howling and shrieking of those trapped inside it, wailing aimlessly.

"This place is cursed- I'm cursed." with the remainder of his strength, he hauled himself up to his feet and ran away without another thought. Without another thought of what might happen. The forest was unfriendly. He could sense thousands of pairs of eyes glaring at him. The branches seemed to lash out at him and obstruct his path. The leaves were what felt like millions of tiny blades scratching at his skin.
Please let me make it out of here alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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