Chapter 7: Giga impact.

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"Have I not told you not to trust strangers?!" Cain reprimanded Riolu, leaning over him and staring right through his body and into his soul. The latter nodded his head sheepishly.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I was just curious and-" The Emanation Pokemon began, but was cut off by the larger Pokemon who put his wing over his mouth. Riolu looked up in astonishment.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know." Decidueye sighed and retracted his wing, placing it under his beak. He shook his head slightly. "Just... Don't do that again. Alright? Especially not when we're supposed to go somewhere."

Riolu sweatdropped and nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, yeah... I'm sorry..." He added in an almost mocking tone.

Cain crossed his wings and shook his head again, closing his eyes. "Did you at least get the basket?"

At that, the Emanation Pokémon smiled awkwardly and presented the wicker basket he was holding behind his back all this time.

It had a small chunk bitten out of the side, back from when he tried catching it with his teeth. Riolu rubbed the back of his head.

Decidueye picked the basket up with his wings, holding it up before his own face and examining the missing piece.

He then turned his gaze back to Riolu, raising his eyebrow while maintaining a blank expression.

"I, uh... Sorry...?" The blue furred Pokémon added and chuckled quietly, careful not to annoy his big friend.

The latter sighed and turned his back on the Emanation Pokémon. He faced the forest and beckoned him to follow with a movement of his head.

Without so much as a word spoken between the two of them, Riolu understood perfectly what he had to do.

Not a moment after Decidueye started walking, the smaller Pokémon followed suite, trailing behind him carefully.

The two of them went out to the forest once in a while, usually to replenish the berry supply or to gather water for their barrel.

There was a waterfall, along with a small river on both of its ends- one up a steep hill, and the other at ground level. The latter was the one from which they got their water from.

A mysterious aura surrounded the whole forest, and Riolu knew that ever since he hatched. If what he read was true, and aura is the essence of all living things, then there's no way a forest could speak to him. Unless...

Unless the Pokémon themselves were trying to communicate to him that they're in danger and are in need of his help.

But that was unlikely. It's simply not possible! There was no chance that at least the greater half of the forest thought of the same exact thing at the same exact time.

Riolu shook his head and took a deep breath to clear his mind. Why was he thinking about it now? He had matters to attend to.

He looked forward and at Cain long cape of feathers behind him, as he slowly dragged it on the ground.

After checking for his friend, the Emanation Pokémon looked back down at the ground, focusing on his footing so as to not trip.

His mind immediately went back to thinking about before, about his first moments on Earth. Why was it him?

The question haunted his mind, circling him with black clouds trailing behind it. It was a mystery, one that didn't have one straight answer.

Maybe there were multiple answers? Maybe some Pokémon thought that just because, or some were tired of doing something and thought that sarcastically?

The Vagabond.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant