The Rinelysth Reaper

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Author's Note: Here we are with a cross-post from my Ao3 collection of works! This has been a passion project of mine for a while, and it's still on-going, but I wanted to also share it on Wattpad if anyone is interested!

I'll be frank: I've thought of writing these characters in this kind of setting for a long time. I've played Fe3h and then I played HL, and I couldn't help but think how cool it would be to see the HL characters in a medieval fantasy AU like Fire Emblem. So, this is just a taste of more one-shots in this series!

I'll say this to reassure some of you. While I am taking elements, weapon names, combat classes and even the bare concept of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the story I am writing with this series will be original. This story SHOULD NOT spoil the Three Houses game, if you are wanting to play it and not want to be spoiled. You should be in the clear.

Also, yes, this is taking place during a war. There is violence, there is blood, I describe a bit on said violence and blood. If that worries you, I'm sorry, but that is how the story will go. That is my warning to you before you read at your own risk.

Last thing: I will add more background to future one-shots, but I wanted to at least tell you the four kingdoms are named after the four founders of Hogwarts, but the names are just a bit different. So here they are:

Slytherin - Rinelysth (Rin-el-isth)

Ravenclaw - Crawelavn (Cra-well-ay-vin)

Hufflepuff - Ephul (Eh-full)

Gryffindor - Fyorridg (Fjor-ridge)

Anyway, happy reading! Enjoy!


When the first rulers of the four kingdoms helped establish an academy, it was to have people of all backgrounds get along. Anyone from anywhere could come together and create formidable bonds that could keep the continent from breaking into an all-out war.

Until it wasn't enough to prevent the inevitable. Where friendships shattered from betrayal, and the prospering grasslands were soaked with blood.

Overlooking a field was a lance-wielding man in black armor that stood out to show his high rank, and it didn't weigh him down as if it was a second skin for him. It said a lot that it only covered him from the neck down to his toes, and he didn't wear a helmet for protection for he hardly ever took a hit. The only proof he was not always invulnerable was a criss-cross deep scratch into his armor over his right pectoral, which showed the green inner layer under the dark metal. Then there was the green cape draped from his shoulders to his boots, with a black and white fur mantle resting on top. The fur was immaculate, but the bottom of the cape was drenched in blood and mud from the countless (and meaningless) battles. To put it all together, he had on a simple, black eyepatch over his right eye. A single brown eye was left to take in the remainder of the last battle.

Sebastian stared down at the field full of soldiers from both sides. The majority were in blue and bronze while the minority wore green and silver. Both sides were tarnished with blood, and horses, pegasi, and wyverns were slain alongside them.

There was once a time this sight would have made Sebastian's stomach churn. Now, he only felt grim triumph.

The sound of footsteps and moving armor at first made Sebastian tighten his grip on his silver lance. But the fact the approacher came to his left instead of his right reassured him.

It was Imelda, garbed in her usual silver armor that covered her dark green attire of a tunic and trousers. The winged attachments on her shoulders showed her title of a wyvern rider.

The Rinelysth ReaperWhere stories live. Discover now