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Stiles has been missing since his junior year of high school. The pack looked for months. Some gave up and believed he was dead. The only one that didn't give up are






Cora ( she came to help out alot )

Years later

Sheriff and Parrish are the only one left in the station cause everyone else is one a call.

Sheriff is working on paperwork in his office. Well, Parish is in the main area.

Parish " who are you. Could you put the gun down."

Sheriff get up and out there as fast as he can

Sheriff " parish what going on "

Sheriff turns and looks at the man whos holding a gun.

Sheriff " Stiles "

The man with the gun face changed from cold to hope. He looks up to the sheriff and he has a look of recognition but he didn't when he looked at Parish. The man with the gun drops something and takes off.

Parish " was that really stiles "

Sheriff walks forward and bends down to pick what he dropped

Sheriff stands up and turns around holding what he dropped " Its the jeep keys."

Parish " ill call scott. Hes with derek anyway."

Parish rings scott

Scott " hello "

Parish " your on speaker with me and the sheriff. Dereks gonna wanna hear this"

Scott put it on speaker.

Derek " ok i'm listening "

Sheriff " an unknown man showed up at the station. Boys it stiles. He didn't recognize Parish but he recognized me. He dropped the jeep keys."

Derek " ok where on are way is he still there ."

Parish " no he took off "

Scott " ok see ya in 5 "

Hung up

They arrived

Scott starts asking questions and Derek tries finding stiles sent.

Scott talks to the sheriff well parish pulls up a photo of what stiles looks like now

Scott " wow he's changed "

Derek comes back in and sees the photo " um stiles is sent it different "

Sheriff " well can you track the scent that you have "

Derek " ya come on scott "

They take off tracking the scent that leads them to Derek's old house.

Scott " stiles "

Derek " stiles "

A loud noise comes from there right

There heads turn

Stiles holding a gun " who are you "

Scott " it Scott and Derek. I'm your best friend and Dereks and you have a weird relationship but it works. He always protects you and you always protect him."

A look of hope crosses stiles face

Stiles " help me "

Unknown woman yelling " Mitch where are you "

Stiles takes off running

The women jumps in front of him

The women " you think you can leave. There only one way out of this mitch ( cocks gun) and you know that "

Mitch " please just let me go "

Women " you know i can't "

Mitch " shoot me "

The women "what "

Mitch " shoot me and send it to hurley tell him i'm dead . i'm done with this life. Please "

The women aim the gun at stiles and fires

The women take a photo and sent to hurley

The women " it done now let me take it out mitch "

Stiles growed in responds

The woman takes the bullet out and stitches him up.

Mitch stands up " what he's say "

The women " well nothing but all your stuff has been deleted "

Mitch " meaning "

The women ''you're free. Whatever you do never mention the name mitch rapp"

Stiles " that fine i hated that name "

The women " have a good life what ever your real name is "

Stiles laughed " right back at ya "

The women leaves

Derek " stiles "

Stiles smiles " i'm back . and i'm not being hunted , freedom "

The tree walked to the loft and Scott called the sheriff to let him know.

Stiles reunites with everyone

From that day stiles went on every back mission he was a real help.

He trained every day .

The assassin becomes the robin of the pack

The end

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