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"stand by me - ben e. king"

I woke up the following day, the migraine of a hangover already sinking in

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I woke up the following day, the migraine of a hangover already sinking in. Us Pogues always over do it, it slowly kills us but we loved to party. JJ and Pope were sprawled out across the sofas, Kie in bed with me and John B and Sarah obviously taking the spare room the dirty dogs.

"Kie!" I whispered. She groaned in response and swatted my hand out of her face causing me to let out a slight chuckle. Kie was always the worst with a hangover, she can't handle being stoned and drunk in one sitting but still does it anyway. "Kie wake up, I wanna splash the boys with water!" Like a spring she shot up out of bed with a wide grin on her face. We always loved teasing the boys, it's payback for all the time they've done stupid shit to us.

Like once Pope put lemon juice in my water and it was the most disgusting thing I'd tasted. Jj once put tape across the doorframe with feathers stuck to it making Kie walk right into it, let's just say she looked like a proper bird! And John B once wrapped Sarah's car in tin foil, the boys found it hilarious but in the heat trying to get that shit off was hot to touch! Like I said they loved playing stupid pranks so we like to get our own back!

We tip toed out of my room into the kitchen, both grabbing the largest glasses we could find. We let the tap run till it was ice cold, filled the glasses and walked over to where Pope and JJ were peacefully laying in their slumber. Not for much longer.

Kie took Pope and I took JJ. "3, 2, 1," Kie whispered trying not to laugh. Within seconds the water splashed across their faces and they jumped up so fast off the sofa it felt like a slo mo replay! JJ spat water out of his mouth and shouted "what the fuck!" Me and Kie were in hysterics and Pope had his angry face on. "You think that's funny do you?" JJ shouted. "Do you?" He came and grabbed me throwing him over his shoulder. He legged it outside and ran towards the beach. It was only two minutes away from my house.

I screamed and screamed telling him to put me down and well it's JJ, he doesn't like to listen. He was tickling my sides making me squeal and squirm. He ran straight for the water. "Don't you dare!" I shouted. I knew what was coming and my body hadn't prepared itself for the cold sensation that was about to hit it. The ocean hadn't warmed up properly at this time of summer as it was just the start.

"You wanna play stupid little games and throw water, well here's your payback Eli!" JJ laughed. He immediately swung me and let go cause me to drop into the ocean like a sack of stones. It was fucking freezing! "You arsehole Maybank!"  I scoffed with a smirk. I was drenched, head to toe. My clothes dripping with salt water. I plucked myself out and dragged myself back to shore. In that time JJ seemed to have ran off. Typical, make me look like a freak who likes to swim with fucking clothes on.

I heard a group laughing in the distance and when I turned I saw Rafe, Topper and Kelce. Topper and Kelce broke out into fits of laughter, Rafe frowning at me. "Wow, never knew you could look more like a drowned rat!" Kelce shouted. Rafe swatted him with his hand and Kelce furrowed his brows. "Fuck off you posh wankers, don't you have pointy shoes to shine!" I bellowed, dragging my feet across the sand back home.

"JJ you fucking left me there you idiot!" I hit his chest. He laughed, "yous thought it was a good idea to play pranks at this time in the morning, we'll two can play that game!"

We decided to spend the day cooking up a barbecue and smoke. The boys went to the store to grab some meat and buns for the barbie. Us girls decided to have a little gossip. "So Kie, you and Pope," Sarah whistled. I giggled and Kie pulled a face at us both. "What about me and Pope there's nothing to tell!" She denied. "Bull shit!" I called out. "We see the way yous look at each other, and you disappeared with him last night don't think we didn't notice that," Sarah laughed. Kie furrowed her brows at us even more and sighed, "ugh fine, we kissed, once, maybe twice, but that was it," she explained. "And...." Me and Sarah said in unison shaking our eyebrows. "It was nice," she shrugged her shoulders. Me and Sarah both smiled and right on time the boys arrived back.

John B started cheffing up on the barbecue with Pope, JJ just stood there looking like a lost puppy. He was so cute. He looked over at me and snuck a joint out of his pocket without letting any of the others see. He sneakily raised his eyebrows signalling me to go off with him to start smoking. If the others knew they would flip their shit. They hate it when JJ leaves them the dregs of his weed.

We headed off behind a tree and lit up. Both of us inhaling the fumes going straight to our lungs. JJ let out a little cough. "Shut the fuck up pussy, they'll hear," I whispered smacking his arm. We giggled to each other like little kids.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" John B creeped behind us making me jump out of my skin. He chuckled likely at my response. "Smokinggg!" JJ hummed. "I won't tell if you let me have some," he smiled. "No way, you're not cooking my burgers off your tree pal!" JJ laughed. "Fine I'll just-" he said as he turned back slowly. JJ latched onto his arm and John b let out a wide grin.

We all sat smoking and laughing. None of the others seemed to notice me, JJ and John B were already stoned. We all seemed to have the giggles which is usually the case whenever we all smoke. I loved the times like these and I loved having them over at mine. It was shit that we couldn't do it more often but Dad is such an arsehole. No doubt everything would go back to the shit when he came home. I hadn't done any coke in the last two days which was good for me. But something still always drew me back.

It's Dad that got me into this mess. Back in Florida he was constantly using drugs and found a guy called Ricky to get off. There was only so much before Ricky wanted something in return. Me. I shuddered at the thoughts of what Ricky and my Dad made me do.

I decided to go in my room and call Barry. "Yo Eli, you finally out of your mood?" He asked. "I'm sorry I just needed it and you took it off me," I explained. "About that I kinda need-" Barry cut me off before I could say anything more. "No Eli! I'm not giving you anymore, I saw what it did to you that day!" "Please Barry please, I was just having a rough day then and it won't happen to me again, I'll even pay you this time" I smiled grabbing my tin that I hide in my underwear drawer. I kept it full of cash, I had about a hundred dollars I've managed to save in the last four years. "Fine but if you do that weird shit again I'm not giving you anymore," he warned. I huff "deal, come to mine about eight and park down the street, text me when you're here!" I whispered. "Secretive, I like it," I rolls my eyes at him. "Shush now I'm going bye!" I said ending the phone call. I couldn't let the others see me meet Barry, we already have weed so they know it wouldn't be for that.

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