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Welcome folks, to the Rehearsal Rehearsal! I'd like you all to meet our newest member! They don't talk much so let's call them "reader" shall we? Great! See? We're working well together already!

I suppose introductions would be suitable now, eh?

My name is Narrator! And this, my dear sweet reader, this is my book! So everything I say and do is real! What fun! And I want you to entertain me.

Let me just... There we go! Now you're in a film studio! And look at me! I'm the director! Oh yes, this will be fantastic! I want to make the best show this world has ever scene! Haha! See what I did there? Scene instead of seen? Hmm... Not much emotion from you is there? No worries! I can easily sort that!

(Reader smiles and laughs.)

There we go! By simply putting an action in brackets and saying your name, I made you do exactly what I said! Now, let's see...

I'll introduce you to your fellow actors but first we must decide. What do people like to watch..? Ah, here's a good one! Action! People do love a good action movie! One with lots of explosions and violence!

What do you say? Are you in?

A. Sure! Let's do it!

B. Fine. If I have to.

C. Let's try a different genre (name the genre you want).

D. I don't want to be an actor.

E. Maybe dial down on the violence and explosions a bit.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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