Thieving, stealing

19 1 10

Some important details:

*Main character is a Male.
*Some lore is not movie/comic accurate.
*Hobie is 20.
*Main character is 19.

*English is not my first language, grammar mistakes will be common. Please correct me if you see one.

*Once again, I made this fic for my friend and I'm not expecting anyone else to read it, but if someone does, please give me feedback as this is the first (and last) time I'm writing a fic🙏🏼


Alex was in the headquarters with Miguel as per usual. Seeing a non-spider person there was a very rare thing to encounter, but Alex would spend so much time there that the others just got used to it.

Alex's dad was Miguel's brother, who unfortunately had died when Alex was very young. Thus, he never had a father figure in his life. It was natural that when someone actually gave him attention, support, and family-like love, he would get too attached too quickly— and that's exactly what happened.

Some years after his dad's death, just when he turned 12, he first met Miguel. Alex's mom was facing very serious financial issues, along with a very concerning drug addiction. In that moment of desperation and fear of hurting her little boy, she called Miguel and asked him to take care of him while she sought professional help and worked on herself. Miguel was a little unsure at first. He wasn't exactly good with kids, and had recently lost his daughter, whom he was still grieving over. But he tried taking care of him and giving him a good life.

Alex quickly became super attached to Miguel. Miguel's features reminded him of his father, although their personalities were polar opposites. Miguel was more reserved, protective, stoic and prideful.. and Alex remembered his father as this hyper, energetic, and charismatic man that would always smile and make people laugh. That doesn't mean he didn't like Miguel though. Contrariwise, he knew Miguel loved him a lot and he appreciated every little effort he did. He loved Miguel lots.


Alex had this.. unhealthy thieving habit. He didn't get along with the best people when he was young. He'd steal unnecessary stuff, and that little "hobby" of his just stuck on for the rest of his life. He'd steal things from HQ and try to make new inventions out of it. I mean, he spent basically all day in that boring room with Miguel, so let's be reasonable — the poor dude had to entertain himself somehow.

Thus, when Miguel wasn't looking, he stole his watch. Alex had been trying to get his hands in one of those for MONTHS. He didn't know how they worked, but he knew it had some very useful pieces that he could use to build something cool.

He grabbed his screwdriver (which he had also stolen from Miguel's office) and tried deactivating the watch, but nothing happened.

"Weird.." He mumbled to himself, still trying to deactivate the watch.

5 minutes in and nothing happened.

He was starting to get frustrated.

He started clicking on every button he saw, until a big ass portal just somehow opened behind him. He was SO fucked. If Miguel saw that, he would be grounded for AGES.

"Oh, fuck." He uttered to himself, once again clicking all the buttons to see if that portal would close. That kid just doesn't learn, does he? He started this by clicking all those buttons, and was doing it all over again.

That was, until he heard Miguel's voice. He didn't think twice, and just jumped into the portal. It couldn't be that bad, could it? I mean, jumping into a whole different dimension where he didn't know anyone couldn't be worse than getting caught by Miguel.. right?

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