cool title here

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<sorry for not updating in 292929 years 😔>

(With iris)

"You know what... I'm checking it out."
Iris floats over to the noises

"What the hell is that noise!?"
Iris screamed to himself, getting frustrated now.

(With Neptune and !?!??!)

"Dang it... look Neptune, your little friend is looking for you!"


"OK, be depressed then... tch... boring..!"

(With Mars)

"Oh stars, when will jupi be back..."
Mars said with apex and his moons sleeping on him, not allowing him to move

Apex starts waking up


"How long was I... out for..?"

Mars thinks

"A couple hours...?"

"Has Jupiter not came back yet?"


^Jupiter is literally having a panic attack because of planet X or smth 🔥^

THE SOLAR TAKE OVER (A SOLARBALLS FANFIC AU)Where stories live. Discover now