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Adonis awoke the next morning feeling terrible. its the worst he felt all summer, everything was too bright and he felt light headed. Last night adonis went to a back to school party where he drank way more than he should have. he is just now feeling the kick back for his actions. He got out of bed and instantly put on sunglasses and put coffee on. Adonis's family was well off but that meant they were so busy he rarely saw them and was basically raised by his maids who arrive at 6 and leave at 6 everyday. his life for the most part is lonely, very lonely. but otis and eric make up for that and he hates showing off his money so he often bikes with them rather than getting a chauffeur. Adonis put on his varsity jacket for moordale as he is the star cam on their team and that star title is taken with a large grain of salt as his status really only gets him invited to parties and girls here and there. he isnt on jacksons level. he paired the varsity jacket with khaki jeans and a white polo underneath it with maroon and white shoes to match. he looked in the mirror before throwing on his favorite cologne and went out his front door bag on his back and biked his way to otis's house. As Adonis pulled in closer to otis's house he spotted eric about to ring the door bell. surprising eric adonis screams "yoooooo whats up lad" eric turns around in shock before smirking and answering with equal intensity " Superstar you know me im hanging mate" "good to hear good to hear as always, but how come otis isnt out yet get him out here " otis comes outside after hearing the commotion and more awkwardly then usual he groaned before slamming his front door then turned to the other 2 boys and said a simple hello.
Adonis looked at his mate in confusion before speaking up " uhhh you alright there mate, you look in a right state yeah" he finishes turning to eric only for his fellow darked skinned mate to nod in agreement. otis just sighs before hopping on his bike and riding away while yelling back" come on ill tell you guys on the way" adonis smiles and hits eric on the shoulder making him lose his balance before chasing after his pale friend while laughing. behind him eric who smiled screamed back " ADONIS YOU CHEAT" before hopping on his bike and following after the two. as they were riding in silence Eric broke the ice the only way he knows how talking about sex. " So did you do it" catching on adonis adds " dont tell me you choked again " the two boys look at each other as they laugh at otis " its too much ive given up... i- i dont want to talk about it" " i mean what exactly is the problem here? i mean can you even get a hard on" adonis almost swerves into otis who turns and see's his dark skinned friend trying to hold his laughter in but it seemed otis's stare was all that was needed for adonis to start cracking up. otis shakes his head before responding" of of course i can im not a fucking eunuch or anything.. alright? i just wait for them to go away, i dont like how it feels. can we drop it now, please?" adonis who is still laughing his head off responds " no offense but that is super weird" he manages to spit out between laughs and to add insult to injury eric restates the point "super weird" while laughing as hard as adonis. otis mocks the two boys laughs while they ride the rest of the way to their school. as the three approach the school they get off their bikes and walk with them before hearing a car pull up behind them. the three boys turn and adonis subtly looks to ruby who to his surprise was looking at him too making them awkwardly look away from each other before eric who couldnt hold in his excitement said "OH MY GOD, THE UNTOUCHABLES HAVE A CAR. Just when you though they couldnt get anymore elusive now they have wheels! do you reckon anwars been workin out? hes lookin extra tight." adonis laughs as erics word broke him out of the awkward spell and responds " just because hes the only other gay in our year, doesnt mean you have to fancy him"
right as he finished eric cut in "correction! only other gay we know of.could be anywhere." the boys continue walking with eric staring which caught anwars attention and he calls eric out " what are you lookin at el pervo" turning to adonis and otis and seemingly unembarrassed for being called a perv eric giddily says "did you hear that? he spoke to me? with actual words!" otis and adonis deadpan before otis responds " he called you a spanish pervert" and the three continue on their path into the school as they walked towards the bike racks otis notices tom baker making out with a girl and in sudden disbelief he asks the other two boys "IS THAT TOM BAKER???" the two dark skinned boys in unison respond "yup" eric continues saying"captain of the warhammer society. his balls finally dropped" and adonis adds more information " yeah i seen him a lot towards the second half of summer at a lot of parties, he was snogging a lot then too it was a bloody surprise for sure" otis and eric stopped walking unbeknown to adonis who was suddenly yanked by the collar by the two boys " you went to parties?? without us?? your best mates???" eric says very slowly and interrogationally. otis just looks on with a glare and his arms crossed " yeah mate i may not be the most party animally but an invite would be nice" building a cold sweat adonis rubs the back of his neck "well uh otis you arent much if a party guy and you two were gone on family trips most of summer break i couldnt invite you even if i wanted to you know. " he awkwardly chuckled at the end before they let him go and continued on their walk. "so how were these parties then mate" eric says " you know normal we all drank loads and i snogged a couple of girls. funny story i lost my virginity a couple of nights ago at a back to school party" the two boys stop again and beknownst to adois again he was yanked by the collar and brought back with both boys screaming " REALLY" adonis once again awkwardly chuckles " well yeah mates i guess you guys are eating my dust yeah?" eric responds " excuse you i gave 2 and a half hand jobs to that guy i met in butlin" seemingly caught off guard otis turns to eric and asks " uhhh why the half" adonis also raises an eyebrow as if coercing him to continue " we got interrupted... stupid surprise karaoke" with a smug look otis responds " still not exactly a player" and just as smugly eric retorts " yeah? at least i can touch my own penis" and adonis bursted into laughter as they seemingly forgot about his summerly escapades and went back and fourth with each other. the three locked their bikes to a rack and eric continues "seriously though im worried about you man like look around everybody is either thinking of shagging. about to shag or actually shagging. and you cant even jack your beanstalk" otis looks to eric and says " ive got plenty of time" adonis looks at the two and continues on what eric was saying " uhh i dont know man, everythings changing round here, and its changing fast." and taking over for adonis eric adds " case in point, even maeve wileys boobs have gotten bigger which i thought was technically impossible" otis as unperceptive as usual says " they look the same to me" adonis adds in "hmmm i heard she bit simon furthassle on the scrote" eric and otis both turn to their friend in disbelief with otis voicing his disbelief " i dont believe that" adonis looks back at his friends after inspecting maeve " neither do i mate but thats what they say" the bell rang and eric continued " this is a new frontier my sexually repressed friend, our chance to finally move up the food chain, since adonis beat us to it" "guilty" adonis says with a smug grin cutting off eric who gave him a disapproving look before the three friends walked away towards the auditorium.

Sex Education ( Male Oc x Ruby Matthews)Where stories live. Discover now