Moving Day

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Dear diary,

Today is the day Jackie arrives in Silver Falls, to live with us, until she goes to college. This has already caused a bit of tension, as my parents are turning my mom's art studio into a room for Jackie, so that she doesn't have to share with me or Parker, Lee is really mad about it, because my parents didn't turn the art studio into a bedroom before, meaning he and Isaac were forced to share, I think the other boys are kind of annoyed too because they've always had to share a room, but Jackie gets one to herself on day one, I'm not complaining though, I've always had my own room, perks of being a girl in a house full of way too many boys.

Well although Jackie and I have never met, I am quite excited to get another girl around the place. If I'm being honest, it's kind of like I'm the only girl anyway, mom well she's kind of the typical boy mom at this point although we do get to do girly things once every two years or so. Then there's Hayley, but she is will's Fiancée, so we don't usually see her without Will, which usually means we are doing Holiday related things, or guy things, although we did go out of town for a weekend once, did shopping and actual things I enjoy, that was fun. Finally, there's Parker, she is the biggest tomboy ever, not that there is anything really wrong with that, but she never wants to do anything other than play sports, or hang out with the guys, they kind of make fun of her for being a girl, I think it's because she doesn't like girly things and older brothers are jerks. They never make fun of me for being a girl, but they do joke about me being the odd one out because I am so girly and do not like getting dirty or doing the things they like and they make fun of the fact Parker can play sports and terrible at them, brothers can be such a headache. So, I cannot wait for Jackie to get here. Maybe I will finally have someone on my side, I mean she is from the upper east side of New York, so she is like Blair Waldroff or something, she must have more girly taste, right? And if she does, I will finally get to do things I want to do because Jackie will want to do them to, and I have a feeling my parents are pretty much going to let Jackie get her own way for a few weeks so she can settle in and feel like part of the family.

Well, I better get ready for Jackie's arrival, so I'll update you later. Hopefully she's going to be cool, I don't know if I can deal with another person with an ego as big as Cole's.

Ellie's POV:

I hear a thud on the floor next door, Jackie must be here, I wonder why no one told me. I walk outside my room, Cole and Will are on their way down the stairs, I see a girl stood, looking lost in the room next door, so I go in.

"Hey, I'm Ellie, you must be Jackie." She looks at me and smiles, "Yeah, are you one of the Walters?" she asks, so clearly no one mentioned me, rude. "Yeah, I'm the oldest girl, my room's right next door if you need anything" She smiles again although it looks sadder this time, and now I feel awkward.

"Thanks that's- "

"I can help you- " we speak in unison cutting each other off, and she laughs, I join in, she has a nice laugh, "I was just going to say thanks, it's nice to know there's someone friendly around here. The guys seem nice and all, just...." She is trying hard for a word that won't sound like and insult "Self-centered? Annoying? You don't have to mince your words around me, trust me I get it, I've spent 13 years with them, they can be incredible, some of the time, but most of the time, they are your stereotypical teenage boys/ annoying older brothers. Although you'll probably find that Nathan and Danny have a tendency to be cool more often than the others, and Cole and Isaac can be the worst, not that they are bad people just, they just like to joke around a lot and let's just say you'll soon find out those jokes are rarely as funny as they think they are". She laughs again, and then we hear someone on the stairs.

Cole and Will come in, with more of Jackie's stuff "I see you've met Elle" Will says, why he always needs to point out the obvious, I'll never know "Yeah, she's helping me unpack" Jackie informs him.

"Great, well we'll go get the rest of your stuff" Will smiles and Cole groans, clearly he'd rather be doing anything else, not that I blame him, he's got a bad leg, why is he moving everything when there are like 20 other guys in this house, as they leave I turn to Jackie "How much stuff do you have?" I question as I look at the dozen boxes in front of us, she just shrugs.

Dear Diary,

As I suspected Jackie is amazing and based on her clothes and all the other things, she brought with her she's definitely a girly girl, so there maybe hope for me getting to do things I enjoy more often, fingers crossed. Also, she said I can borrow her clothes any time, and that is going to be so amazing, I'll be like the best dressed in the 8th grade, Yay! I hope she has good day at school tomorrow, something tells me Silver Falls only high school where literally even goes, is going to be a lot different to the private school where only the smart kids went, that she's used to, and I think Alex might have a crush on her, hope that doesn't end up as bad as the last time he had a crush.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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