Gas Station

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Drip, Drip, Drip the rain fell hard and loud. Randy hid inside a station to protect himself from the rain. Homeless that's where he is in life, on the streets to fend for himself. he sighs, "Knowing my luck, it's going to rain the whole day." Randy thought to himself as he looked out the gas station window, it reminded him of home. "my shoes are dirty.." Randy thought to himself looking at his beaten-up shoes, "Looks like me... Beaten up, sad... and a weird stain on them. "W-What is that?" then a noise brought Randy back from his thoughts. "O- oh it's a person, right i- I'm in public. -people are in public." Randy said to himself out loud. Randy didn't bother to look at them or take in their appearance. as he looked out the window. it was dark and cloudy. it would have been nice if he was back at his. where he could drown out the sound with that cheap TV he had bought. "I wanna go home. I miss my be-," Randy thought before being interrupted. "Do you have a dollar?" a man in a gray hoodie with a strange type of bug for a head asked. "w- what?" randy said shocked. "i said do you have a dollar?" the bug man said a bit annoyed. "oh- Oh! no sorry I don't, " Randy said to the bug man, "w- why are you asking for money? isn't your head l- like really E X P E N S I V E?" Randy said to the bug man. confuesd, the bug head guy looks at randy blinks at him.  which causes randy to get tense. the bugman speaks up "I got it when i was 14."  Randy respounds quickly "Oh." Randy looks a way from the man. he doesn't like the fact that the head can blink, or the fact it looks like a bug. the bug man looks at Randy seeming to observe him. Randy gets more uncomfortable as this weird bug guy looks at him. the guy walks up to randy and offers to his hand, "it wa- Nevermind, my name is Roach." Randy looks at the man confused. "wait, your name is r- Roach!? li-." "yes the bug, says Roach. now are you going to shake my hand or not?" Randy looks at Roach's hand and shakes it. "so we're y- you born with it or-?" "no, and no my parent didn't hate me." Roach says interruping Randy.. again "I- o- okay thougt you were going to interupt me again." a akward silence grows between the two. "I hate this, my hands are getting sweaty. i hate that word, sweaty it sounds gross." Randy thinks  as the silence grows. "so... why did you ask me for a dollar?" Randy asks. Roach just shrugs "I don't know." Randy looks at him "y- You don't know?" Randy says. "I just wanted to say that your fly is down." Roach says, "Oh s- Shit!" Randy looks down. nope it's up.. when Randy looks back up Roach is gone all that's left is the gas station front door which has been swung open and is slowly closing, when randy realized Roach left he felt as if some thing is missing, Randt pats his pockets, Randy's wallet is gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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