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In case the name Jessa wasn't an obvious giveaway, I'm a girl who doesn't take shit from anyone.

Try to give me a bullshit excuse for a behavior? Won't take it.

Try to hide words behind a smile? Not happening.

But that's just how I am. If you don't like it, you can leave me alone. Simple as that. Unfortunately my school is full of fake people that I have to converse with each day.

That is except for my two bestfriends Vivian Whittle and Amara Parahm. Vivian and Amara are the only people I trust and willingly talk to.

Today is our 6-year friendship anniversary, and I have a little surprise for my two gals. They don't know it yet, but I got us all tickets to a well-known waterpark only 40 minutes away.

Our obsession is waterparks. We go to at least 4 every summer, and our current record is 17. Anything with water involved gets us excited.

Anyways, back to me. I'm not the biggest fan of school, but it's not the worst thing ever. I don't like the general-ed classes like history and math, but you gotta deal with them to graduate.

While school isn't my strongsuit, sports certainly are. I've played plenty of different sports since I was little. Soccer, softball, tennis, track, basketball, and my most recent adventure, rodeo.

I found out about rodeo about 3 years ago. Ever since then, it's been my go-to sport that I dedicate my time to. All the other sports pale in comparison to the enjoyment and exhileration I get from sprinting from a standstill and roping up calves.

But enough about me. I'm sure you're ready to get to the real story. Shall we begin?

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