Mighty Angelina and A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Angelina, Tanjiro and their friends were at the old theater, getting ready for their ballet class "Today, my darlings, you can try on some costumes," said their teacher, Madame Mitsuri.

Everyone tried on something different.
Angelina chose a fairy costume with little purple flowers and Tanjiro chose an earth sprite costume with little green leaves.
"You all look wonderful," said Madame Mitsuri. "Now we need some music!"

Madame Mitsuri opened her magical music box and out poured a shimmering tune.
"This is A Midsummer Night's Dream by Felix Mendelssohn," she said. "It's based on Shakespeare's story about fairies, sprites and elves. There is even a fairy queen and king!

"It does sound just like fairy music," said Angelina, dreamily.
"How fascinating!" added Tanjiro.
"Let's all dance like fairies, sprites and elves!" said Madame Mitsuri.

The students danced to the music, waving their arms and twirling around.
"Enchanting, my dears," said Madame Mitsuri

All too the lesson was over, and the students went to get changed... except Angelina and Tanjiro.

They both wanted to have one more dance in their costumes, as it was so beautiful.

Angelina and Tanjiro opened the lid of the music box together. As the fairy tune played, they began to dance.

"Psst!" someone called.
Angelina and Tanjiro saw an elf smiling at them.
"May I borrow both the flowers and leaves in both of your hairs? I have searched the world over for them?"

"My name is Pucky," said the elf. "Oberona, Queen of Fairyland, needs those flowers to win back the heart of Titanio, her fairy king. It seems he no longer loves her... instead, he spend all his days playing with fairies and elves."

"What will the flowers do?" asked Angelina.
"And leaves do?" added Tanjiro.
"They are magic flowers and leaves, and they will help with some midsummer mischief!" said Pucky. "Now, take my hand, fairy child! Oberona awaits!"

Angelina and Tanjiro realized they were flying high above a forest. It was a warm summer night and the sky shimmered with stars. The moon covered the trees in a silvery light, as fairies flitted around like fireflies and moths.

Angelina, Tanjiro and Pucky landed beside a great, old oak tree where Oberona, Queen of Fairyland, was waiting.

"I found the magic flowers," said Pucky.
"Well done," said Oberona. "They are called Love in Idleness. I will use them to cast a midsummer spell on King Titanio."

"How will the spell work?" asked Tanjiro with a curtsy.
"Titanio will fall in love with the first creature he sees," laughed Oberona. "I hope it will be a very silly kind of beast! Perhaps then he will remember that I am his true love."
"You find out! Wait and see, Tanjiro." said Angelina.

"Come on," said Pucky. "Let's find someone really funny for the fairy king to fall in love with!"

They giggled and tiptoed off between the trees.

In a clearing, some friends were practicing a play.

A woman named Bolour was reading the script, but she kept getting the words wrong.
"Oh dear," she said. "I must practice more, or I shall make a fool of myself!"

"Let's play a trick on Bolour," said Pucky. "She reminds me of a silly donkey!"

Pucky sprinkled some magic on Bolour, and she began to change...

She grew longs ears and a furry shout!

Bolour had no idea she looked so funny and wondered why her friends all ran away!
She set off into the woods after them.

"Now she is the perfect love for our king!" gigged Pucky.

Bolour found a grove filled with flowers. There slept the handsome fairy king, Titanio. He was surrounded by fairies singing.

Lulla Lulla Lullaby

Oberona had already put the magic flower juice upon Titanio's eyes. Then, Bolour tried singing, too...

Titanio awoke to Bolour's braying. "Oh, my lovely!" he said, as he stroked Bolour's ears and gazed into his eyes. It was quite clear that Titanio was in love with her!

They danced under the moon, and then, at last, fell asleep in each other's arms.

"They look so silly!" giggled Anglina, Tanjiro and Pucky.
Oberona appeared. "Yes, and when Titanio awakes he will hope this donkey was only a midsummer dream," she smiled. "Now, remove the spell from the foolish Bolour."

Pucky waved her hands, and Bolour's donkey's ears vanished, and her own face was restored. She ran off to find her friends.

Already the moon was fading and the sky was growing pale. When Titanio awoke, he saw Oberona and smiled.

"Oh, my dearest queen, I am so glad to see you," he said. "I dreamed I was in love with a donkey!
"My king," said Oberona. "Will you stay with me always?"
"Always, my love," said Titanio.

Midsummer Night was over and everything was back as it should be. "And now, farewell, fairy fox Angelina and sprite Tanjiro!" said Pucky. "And thank you!"
Angelina and Tanjiro waved as she flew off into the sky like a shooting star!

The music stopped and Angelina and Tanjiro saw they were back in the old theater. There on the floor were the magic flowers and leaves. Tanjiro carefully picked them up.

Madame Mitsuri came to see how he and Anglina were doing. "Here you are," said Tanjiro, handing her the flowers and leaves.

"Thank you," said Madame Mitsuri. "Now, hurry out of your costume. Your siblings are waiting and it will soon be dark, and that's fairy time!"

On the way home with Nezuko and her siblings, Tanjiro and Angelina looked up at the sky and saw the moon.

Suddenly, a shooting star flew across the sky. They smiled as they thought of the fairy king and queen, and their new friend Pucky.

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