Heartbreaking news....

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Every girl had that one girlfriend you can always trust, the one that you can just playfully mess with and never got a scolding and if so soon a bunch of laughter will head the way.... That's how I felt with my two best friends Lucy and Katelyn but even so not even my amazing best friends can help with every problem I had....

I sat up in his bed staring into the dark room lost in thought, only the sound of his zipper and heavy breathing can be heard in the empty and soul less night as he voice was one that snapped me out in my deep thought, '' Mira! Gosh are you fucking deaf!?'' He said his raspy and sore voice echoing through my ears I quickly jolted from my deep thought looking at him waiting for him to speak, but he only looked at the bruise on my  arm as he noticed I was scratching it ''rub some alcohol on it yeah?'' He said acting concerned knowing he did it to me in the first place, I only nodded not showing a hint of emotion after all when you got used to such beating, you get used to the patterns, he gently rubbed my cheek as he kissed me deeply forcing his tongue into my mouth as if the 3 long hours of rough sex wasn't enough for his whoring body I could only watch and feel his rough hand rubbing my sore pussy as I wished to do was burn him alive but only such things could be in movies. The small ding noise made on his phone as the light brighten a section of the room, I wasn't a magician but even I know it was his fling as she desires for his dick to feel her again I mean after all that was the reasoning I got  this beating and sex in the first place, soon he left the room locking the door to talk to his fling as he left me in the room by myself, tears fell my eyes as I started to drain every emotion out of me that was there how could I end up in such a situation, I always try to leave but could never he was enchanting and persuasive that no matter how many times I tried to leave, he found a way to pull me back in  with the way of sex... The worse part is I knew he didn't love me but I kept loving him, but I never got I truly wanted from him, his love....

The sound of music in my headphones filled my ears and the sound of birds chirping filled my ears too, as the hot sun beamed on my fair skin and the cool wind flowed my brown curled hair into a rhythmic dance, swaying it from side to side as I reached my locker grabbing my essential for school I quickly jolted from my state as sharp, jolting pain reached my rear, I turned around to see who it was, of course it was him no one could ever hit as hard as him... Damien my boyfriend.... unfortunately ''what the hell babe!?'' I shouted at him as his only response was to cross his arm and roll his eyes ''don't be such a baby its not my fault I couldn't resist, he said, ''it's exactly your fault I gritted below my breath. He soon grabbed my waist as he roughly kissed my neck,gosh this boy could never do anything gentle....I ignored him but he got even rougher,biting my neck  and squeezing every part of my hidden area, I slowly pushed him off reminding him we're that school but even that can't stop him from getting rid of horny desires, he saw Lucy coming my way and he quickly bounced off me as Lucy looked at him annoyed and he returned the same disgusted look  ''Damien if your going to be a manwhore don't be one with my friend'' Lucy said  as Damien left my side as he started to walk down the all way as he slapped my ass once more before leaving ''And keep your gremlin hands to your self!!!'' Lucy shouted,before turning to me, I mouthed the words ''thank you'', before she chuckled saying ''no problem he's so disgusted, he acts so grown for some one in highschool,not even a senior yet'' I laughed at her words but I realized she wasn't laughing '' hey why aren't you laughing? you always laugh about things like this'' I said removing a strand of hair from my face to the side of my ear
'' Honestly Mira (Amira's nickname) i feel concern for you, you shouldn't just take such actions just because he's your boyfriend like I know you Mira you would never let someone spank you on your ass like that,infact didn't you say you wanted to wait till marriage but your not a virgin anymore because of him and even though you don't say it I can tell that you hate it'', my smile fainted of course I knew it would take long for her to realized the whole deal thank god she doesn't know about the bruises it would only pain her more, I told her it was nothing and that I'm just mature and started experiencing such things, but she knew I was lying as she pushed her thin glass up towards her eyes more her brown eyes dancing with the sun as her ginger hair flowed in the wind she then squinted her eyes, something she always did when she doesn't believe someone and walked off I sighed in relief finally its over but something tells me it was just the beginning....

(First story!! Sorry if I made any mistakes)

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