The Downfall of a Loving person

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I was a young and loving person. I wore my heart on my sleeve for my lady, but you know what happens to people who do that. You meet people who will use you for it. Just like my lady had.

She was a sleazy lady she was a drunk and gold digger, and I was too blind to see that, though, poor me. She had put her plan on me after a friend of ours said I came from generations of old money. Don't really know why he said that. hm, and I can't ask him why. I'm dead!

We dated for a while and for a date we went to a club.

I had held out my hand and asked her for a dance, and when she said yes, I was happy it did not last for long, though.

We had dance all night long. I was smiling all night long, not knowing she wasn't looking at me. I was blinded by love. She was looking at him, smiling at him and loving him when she was supposed to love me!

When I finally saw what she saw from her eyes. I had felt a sudden feeling I had not felt before.

I pulled her in tighter, and when I did, she finally looked at me, and she was shocked when she did because my eyes were set ablaze, looking at her, which was unusual from me.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the club, pushed her in the car, and drove off she was yelling and yelling, trying to guilt trip me it was her go-to tactic. I didn't listen, though. I'm was way too busy trying not to crash.

I kept trying to calm down, but my mind was fading. That sudden feeling I felt in the club was growing. I had stepped on the gas without realizing we were speeding down that strangely empty road.

We had finally gotten to the house. I got out of my car and slammed my door, and walked over to her side. I pulled her out and pushed her towards the door she was just yelling while I was doing all that!

I unlocked the door and pushed her in. I was not in control of my body, and that feeling had absorbed my mind like the way her blood had absorbed the carpet that day.

The Downfall of a Loving PersonWhere stories live. Discover now