Chapter 1

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"Let's get drunk Sally! Hahaa,"

"Yo, stop touching me and calling me Sally! For heaven's sake, I'm trying to pack here,"

"Ugh, you're such a party pooper. We could be doing some incest shit like the one's online where you see the older brother.."

"Fucking a! You're drunk, AGAIN? And what damn party?" Salem interrupted and rushed to his open his door to reveal a gathering of old men and some of his sisters' hippy friends performing sexual acts on each other. He could feel his heart race in anger as he turned his head to see his intoxicated sibling scavenging through his luggage.

"Karen... Kim... Do not worsen my aggression towards you than it already is right at this very moment," Salem sighed, attempting to pull back from wanting to murder his sister, "You're fucking-.. you're 16. You should be mature enough-"

"Whyyyy are you talking sooooo professional to me, huhhh?" Karen slurred at him while pressing her finger harshly on his chest, " We should do some kinky shittt."

"Fuck off, and where on Earth did you get alcohol this time? I thought Mom stopped drinking ages ago" Karen pulls her arms close to her chest and starts fondling herself.

"These babies of course," she winked.

"Oh dear God," he responded and he pushed her gently off the side on her shoulder, "Thank goodness I'm headin' to college, away from this mess." His sister soon left because she was eventually bored from watching her brother pack with absolutely nothing to say after that last comment and joined the rest of her "crew" in the chaotic living room.

Salem's been living in a pixilated environment where his escape from reality depended on his laptop that he purchased himself with the two jobs he worked at with his single mother, Yvonne Janz, her maiden name, and three alcoholic sisters who are triplets, Karen, Sam, and Saga Kim. Leaving home gave him the ultimate freedom he wanted moreover having to deal with the bullshit his family counteracts with him. It was too difficult for Salem to handle such drama because he had no friends. Even though his reckless mother had no interest in taking care of her children, she focused on pursuing her dream of becoming a stripper. All the work was put onto her eldest, Salem, to take care of the triplets although he hated their company.

Growing up, he never knew what it felt like to be truly happy. The public school he attended when he was younger never offered any opportunities for him to meet his peers because he also had anger issues which he developed slowly with the influence of home, so he was always in the consolers office.

Disregarding this issue, he was brilliant. Salem made flawless straight A's on his report cards every year leading to the center of middle school when he gradually cared less about school, but of course he wouldn't get anything less than a 'B'. He only started to care during high school when he realized that once he turns 18, he can earn his way out of the house and that was exactly what he did.

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