The Beginning...

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Scientific name: perditio spatium

Long, long ago.

Far, far away,

Once upon a time, while dinosaurs still ruled the Earth, a meteorite dropped onto Earth.

A virus slowly grew within it.

It slowly grew and slowly fermented like a pickle.

Soon, it broke through its shell, emerging into the world.

But, as soon as it emerged, it noticed that Earth was filled with dinosaurs.

So, it decided to mutate.

It went back into its shell and mutated into something similar to that of a dinosaur.

It roamed the Earth, and gained power by angering the dinosaurs.

From angering these dinosaurs, it discovered that it can gain power by angering others, and so it continued, until...


After a few years...uh I mean a few million years, it's now 2019. of the worst things to ever happen, happened.


The waste of space is no longer capable of gaining power through pissing people off, and it lost power. Many of its subordinates died, and with its last fragment of power, it morphed into a child-like form and decided to invade middle schools. After all, children are the easiest to piss off.

The 27 remaining wastes of space descended into the middle school classes and gained great power by munching and crunching on the middle schoolers' angry energy.

Soon their numbers grew.

Each year, one would descend into one middle school class to piss people off and to suck their angry energy.

They mutate every few years so that humans don't get suspicious of them.

After all, humans hunted them years ago for being demons, (I mean they ain't wrong.)

The Waste of Space Cinematic UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now