Chapter 13

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In which Marilyn finds herself in a tricky situation.

"Now, where should we start?" Kurt asked Marilyn, planting his hands on his hips, "We've got some overflowing toilets down that hall, the hot tub is malfunctioning the opposite way, and to the right is the bar. A pipe right above it is leaking through the ceiling and dripping onto the tables." Despite the fact that Kurt was speaking about plumbing, it was clear that he was asking Marilyn where they should start investigating.

"Let's start with the bar," Marilyn suggested, "Since we can't have the guests getting wet." She peeped over Kurt's shoulder to check on the receptionist. She was on the phone, chattering away in a pleasant manner.

"Excellent plan," Kurt agreed. The two of them walked into the resort's restaurant and surveyed the situation from the doorway. The bar was at the very back, and there was a variety of tables: most were filled with people eating, but a few tables had been pushed together to create a space for a group playing poker.

"I'll talk to the bartender," Marilyn whispered, "You investigate the tables."

Kurt nodded, adjusting his sunglasses. "Don't tell them your real name," he hissed, "If you need me, my name is Tom."

Marilyn grinned. "Alright, Tom. I'll be Geri."

He nodded, and the two went their separate ways. Marilyn breezed by the tables full of hungry patrons, trying to appear casual and like she belonged there. She strode up to the bartender, whose back was turned to her. He was whistling a tune as he organized the area. After a moment he whirled around and realized Marilyn was there. "Ah! Hello, what can I get you?"

"Hi," Marilyn responded, "Me and my partner heard you were having some leaks? We're the plumbers."

The bartender stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Hm, now give me a moment... I've been very busy and haven't been able to keep my thoughts straight. Leaks, hm..." Marilyn studied the man as he thought. He was average height, with slightly tanned skin and brown, wavy hair that reached his shoulders. But what truly caught her attention was his eyes, which were red and seemed to glow. He was likely a mutant, perhaps in league with Magneto. But then again, he could just be a mutant who had a job there. Marilyn didn't have enough evidence to know for sure.

The man looked at her for a moment. "Ah! Yes, the kitchen is where the worst of them are. Follow me." Marilyn nodded and went around the bar to follow the man through a door into the kitchen. She made a mental note of the various dishes available, in case she would need a weapon to fight with. A frying pan seemed like an excellent choice for whacking someone on the head.

"May I ask you a question?" The bartender asked Marilyn, a confused look on his face.

Oh no. "I'm an open book," she said with forced cheerfulness.

"What's with wearing the sunglasses indoors?" He asked.

Phew. Marilyn forced a laugh, taking the glasses off and tucking them in her pocket. "Oh, hah, it's the company uniform. Ridiculous, right?"

"Very," the man agreed, a subtle smile playing at his lips. He straightened up and resumed a serious expression. "Alright, the leak is back here if you want to follow me..." he headed towards a rack near the back of the room. Marilyn swiped a knife off the counter when he wasn't looking, just as a precaution. She held it behind her back as she followed him, keeping a good distance between the two.

Now he was looking at the ceiling, squinting his eyes. "I swear there was a leak here," he muttered, glancing over at Marilyn, "Sorry. Hang on while I try to remember where it was."

Weightless ║ X-Men Continuity: Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora