Out of time

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All the time I run out of time,
I don't know why I talk so much about the clock.
From the first to the last poem and rhyme,
What I'm lacking for to be thinking about its tick?

I think this story will end soon,
Because it is running out of continuity,
I'm still waiting to find the sequel, a correlation,
But maybe the reality is that there is no correlation.

So I can only talk about meaningless things until the end of my life,
Waiting for the slow minute and second, one, two, three, the glass clock...
Choosing a strife...

Without much more,
Out of feelings,
Out of time,
Looking for the lyrics.

And u should wear it inside the elevator,
When I descend towards my final destination,
Listening to my three minutes of music for the last time, there I won't be able to be a warrior,
There I will be nothing more than a creation created for later destruction.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now