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There he was, laying on his bed. Germany had already passed away almost six years ago, but he still couldn't shake the thought of when they were young teenagers in love, before they became enemies against their will, before the war happened..


Kingdom of France occasionally dragged her son with her to the grocery store. It was typically boring for the teenager to walk around at a slow pace while following his mother around, however, this time was different. France looked to his left and saw a familiar tricolor flag next to a tall male. France immediately smiled widely as he ran up to the taller male, embracing him into a tight hug. The male gasped at the sudden touch, looking down at the male and hugging him back.

"Oh Germany! It's been so long since I last saw you!!" France cried out."France, it's been 18 hours, you're over exaggerating." France giggled and kept hugging the German male, smiling softly.

"Francis. You are not to behave like a faggot. Especially around that German filth." K.O.F. scolded her son with a look of disgust on her face. "What did you say about my son, you dirty cheater?" Prussia ask as he grabbed his son and pulled him away from France.

"Well clearly you need you hearing checked you deaf, good-for-nothing, son of a bitch!" K.O.F. yelled at Prussia while France was mouthing 'sorry, mon amour..' to Germany, getting a soft smile in response.

"Germany, you are not allowed to go near this boy, understood?" Prussia warned his son. "Yes, father." Germany sighed sadly.The two families went on with their shopping.


Right when the clock hit midnight, France scurried out of his bed and opened his window, looking outside at the stars. He was waiting for Germany to come by like he normally did, to drop off a letter.

France loved the German's letters, he kept every one of them in a desk drawer, organized by dates. He heard rustling in the bushes and saw the German males hair peak out, making France giggle. Germany threw the love letter up to the window and ran out of the property.

France excitedly opened it and read, 'I want you to hold me, just like a morning paper. In-between your pointer, your index, and your thumb.'

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