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Envisioning my way to you 

'I was walking out in a forest, wooden sword in my hands, I wanted to train a bit before my mom came home from work, she always told me not to get out without my permission but I had an itch to go out into the woods an itch to fight.

I reached the glade, I approached a nearby tree and started swinging my sword at fully force, I did this for a few minutes then I heard something near the trees by my right side, I stopped and started approaching the bush where the sound came from, I looked at the bush and a wild squirrel jumped out of its hiding spot and latched onto me it clawed at my face and I stared swinging my sword at the squirrel

I kept doing the swing until the squirrel Feld, my face stinged a cut was now planted on my right cheek and it just like hell, blood was gushing out of my right cheek staining my hands, face, and shirt, I felt my eyes close and suddenly everything around me went black, I felt numb'

Charlie woke up remembering his dream, he realized it was one of his visions about his soulmate, he had recently gotten a few more visions most of them repeating over and over, he probably knew the forest vision by memory now, he has had the same vision for about 10 times this week.

Charlie looked at the clock, it read 8:10 he had to get ready for school, he stretched groaning as his back poped, he lazily rubbed his eyes as he got out of his bed and into the restroom, Charlie looked at himself in the mirror yawning as he brushed his teeth and brushed his bushy hair looking more presentable, Charlie kept looking at himself in the mirror, green eyes behind the blue rimmed glasses staring fluffy brown hair poking out of all sides

A ring on his phone broke him from his trance

Quackity was calling him 

Charlie picked up the call "What's up dude?"  he asked "Hey man, you want me to come pick you up? my parents gave me this sick new car" Quackity said over the phone "Yeah, I wouldn't want to walk all the way there" Charlie said now heading to the kitchen phone in his hand "Awesome, then I'll be there in 10, I'll be bringing Roier so DONT MAKE US WAIT!" And before Charlie could respond Quackity hung up

Charlie was in the kitchen preparing himself some avocado toast trying not to make a loud sound which would probably wake up his father, he didn't mind his father until his mother died and his brother Mike left off to Brazil, his father from time to time told him he was useless and worthless and rarely hit him, at first his father got him and his mental health was at his worst but Quackity had helped him with everything he had tried to hurt himself but Quackity was always there for him so this time he didn't let his father ruin him, this time his father couldn't harm him or atleast harm him mentally.

And since it was their last year at college he'd definitely has to find a place to live away from his father 

Charlie finished his avocado toast and now was waiting for Quackity to arrive, he scrolled through his phone mindlessly then he heard a beep outside, Charlie knee it was Quackity so he grabbed his backpack and went outside, Quackity was there in his new car, a white Nissan Rouge, Charlie opened the door, Roier was in the front seat "Hey Slime! How are you man!" Waved Roier greeting Charlie with the biggest smile "Hey Roier! I'm great man how are you" Charlie waved back returning the smile "I'm great! Ah I forgot to tell you, Feliz Cumpleaños!" [Happy Birthday] Roier practically screamed "Thank You man!" Charlie replied "Yeah! Charlie you're finally 23 you're fucking old" Quackity barged in getting a laugh from Charlie "I'm only a year older than you! How can I be old" Quackity just laughed in response

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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