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Because it's that feeling of walking alone,
Of getting lost in a forest,
Listening to music, sitting on a rock and surrounded by stones,
With your headphones, it's just the best feeling someone could have experienced.

Take a monster and just walk around,
Or have a small party with a couple of friends,
Listening to nature's sound,
In freedom lands.

Or the feeling you have in a dream,
I think there are no better feelings than love, sleep and music,
That's why I want to sleep after listening to music and dreaming about you.

I want to dream of a beach, with sunscreen cream around my body,
I want to dream about how we are united, I want us to hug and talk,
Just doing normal things, without being moody,
Walk together, and not stalk you alone.

There are always four walls closed, three mosquitoes around your face,
I don't think that's your dream life,
It's not what I dreamed about,
The only thing with a higher price than dreams, is yourself,
And the most painful thing than death, being out of you.

Maybe I just overvalue you,
Maybe that's not your value,
I may just tell myself that what I believe is not true,
That love you is just my issue...

Who knows,
Maybe in ten years,
Maybe in ten low lives,
Maybe after the never fears...

Although I already went through that fear, and I'm still here,
Staring without the "we are" and talking about the "what am I",
But do I even care,
I do, men, I really do, obviously.

So play your songs on your piano,
If you really play the piano,
I'll have my cappuccino with arms and legs crossed,
Like a gay attracted to a minor, being a minor.

I won't do anything about it anyway,
Because I don't see myself fighting enough,
Yesterday I forgot to study German, I just stayed and played that videogame,
Maybe I'm just a shame, but it's tough, and you should know,
Well you knew, that's what you said in answer.

What do you like and what makes you think?
Because what I like is you, and what makes me think, a way to be with you,
'Cause I like you, I told you, then hid it from you and lied to you, so that you won't be bothered, or overwhelmed, or missed,
But I think I made it worse, that it started to get worse because of me,
And that I'm losing you.

Because what will happen if we don't have another life?
If cyclic universes do not exist,
If in the multiverses there is no other self to strife for me,
I will be lost...

I even count the messages I have sent you,
The words I have said to you,
The days that have passed,
And the times I have cried.

Because, what is my limit, it is obvious that I will not know how to calculate them if I have failed,
I always fall,
Through the crack that opens and buries me, until being crushed,
Until my crush became my loved one and the wall separated the two sides.

And that's why I want to be on both sides of the coin,
Because I can't be on your side,
And my side is the only one that can take me to it's spin,
And make it flip the mode.

I just imagine living your life,
Every month traveling to a different country,
I just hope that at least you are happy, be a happy wife,
Because I know you're going to marry someone, so at least choose well, don't make me regret try it.

It is difficult to say so many words and give them meaning,
I hate the life I live and the pointless saviour I am, with screams down that make my heart palpitate, no more...
But it will be starting and playing with my being over and over spinning around my meaning things.

Make it stop

But it won't,
It's fake,
And I don't want to,
Drowning on the lake.

"Good morning everyone.
I forgot to tell you that the purse will be passed on again to pay for the Eucharist wine and the Easter candle. I will pass it today after preparation, let's be one,
See you in a while!".

In a sect,
In hell,
Without project,
Only fall.

Honking in the car,
More anxiety,
My hand hurts, but I remember you were my star,
Slamming the door, variability.

Lost calls,
Lost friends,
They were all fakes,
In the end it all ends.

Betrayed by everyone,
Distrusting everyone now,
Tired, hold on long enough,
A mix between daily traumas, losing dreams and destroyed love.

Wasted, hated, becomes faked.
And then ended.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now