𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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Months had passed since Layth's heroic act of rescuing Maira from the bustling city streets.

Life had settled into a familiar rhythm for both Layth and Maira, with each day bringing its own set of challenges and triumphs.

But amidst the routine of their daily lives, Layth found himself increasingly consumed by thoughts of Maira, his feelings for her growing stronger with each passing moment.

One evening, as Layth sat alone in his apartment, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him like a heavy burden, he knew that he could no longer keep his love for Maira hidden away.

With a sense of determination, he made a decision to confide in his parents, to share with them the depth of his feelings for Maira, and seek their guidance and support in navigating the uncertain road ahead.

The following evening, Layth found himself sitting across from his parents in the cozy confines of their living room.

His heart pounded in his chest as he prepared to broach the topic that weighed so heavily on his mind.

"Ami, Abu," Layth began, his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his stomach, "there's something important I need to discuss with you."

His parents looked up from their cups of chai, their eyes filled with warmth and curiosity. "What is it, beta?" his mother asked, setting her cup down on the saucer.

Layth took a deep breath, the words tumbling out in a rush as he sought to convey the depth of his emotions. "I... I've been thinking a lot lately, and there's someone I want to talk to you about," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

His parents exchanged a knowing glance, a smile playing on their lips. "Who is she? Do we know her?" his father asked gently, a twinkle in his eye.

Layth felt a blush creep up his cheeks at his father's words, but he nodded nonetheless. "Yes, you know her," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity.

As Layth spoke, he painted a vivid picture of Maira - her kindness, her intelligence, her warmth. He spoke of the moments they had shared, the laughter they had exchanged, and the connection he felt with her that seemed to transcend time and space.

His parents listened intently, their expressions softening with each word.

They could see the genuine affection and respect Layth held for Maira, and it warmed their hearts to see their son opening up to them in this way.

Once Layth had finished recounting his feelings for Maira, he fell silent, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited his parents' response.

Would they approve of his feelings? Would they support him in pursuing a relationship with Maira?

His parents exchanged a meaningful glance before his father spoke, his voice filled with wisdom and love. "Layth, we're happy that you've found someone who means so much to you," he began, his words measured and thoughtful. "But before we proceed any further, we need to know more about Maira and her family.

It's important to us that any relationship you pursue is based on a foundation of respect, compatibility, and shared values."

Layth nodded, his heart swelling with gratitude for his parents' guidance and wisdom.

"I understand, Abu. I promise to approach this with the utmost respect and consideration," he assured them, his voice filled with sincerity.

With his parents' blessing, Layth felt a newfound sense of determination coursing through his veins.

He knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and uncertainties, but with his family's support behind him, he felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Meanwhile, at Layth's house, his parents shared a meaningful glance as they processed Layth's revelation. Mrs. Ahmad reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her son's shoulder, her eyes filled with pride and affection. "Layth, we're so proud of you for being honest with us about your feelings," she said, her voice soft yet filled with warmth. "We'll support you in whatever decision you make, but we also want to make sure that this is the right path for you."

Layth nodded, his heart filled with gratitude for his parents' understanding and support. "Jazakallah, Ami, Abu," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I appreciate everything you've done for me."

With a sense of relief and determination, Layth and his parents shared a moment of quiet reflection, their bond stronger than ever as they faced the uncertain future together.

As Layth's family gathered in the living room, Mrs. Ahmad glanced at her husband, a silent question in her eyes. Mr. Ahmad nodded in response, his expression thoughtful as he reached for the phone.

With a sense of purpose, Mr. Ahmad dialed the familiar number of Mr. and Mrs. Malik, Maira's parents. The phone rang several times before it was finally picked up on the other end.

"Assalamu Alaikum," Mr. Ahmad greeted warmly, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam," came the reply from the other end, followed by a moment of silence as the two fathers exchanged pleasantries and inquired about each other's well-being.

Once the initial pleasantries were out of the way, Mr. Ahmad took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. "Mr. Malik, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to speak with you about something important regarding our families."

Mr. Malik's voice was warm yet curious as he responded, "Of course, Khalid. What is it that you'd like to discuss?"

Mr. Ahmad proceeded to express Layth's admiration and affection for Maira, highlighting his son's sincere intentions and their family's desire to explore the possibility of a union between Layth and Maira.

As Mr. Ahmad spoke, Layth's heart raced with anticipation, his nerves tingling with excitement and apprehension. He listened intently, hanging on every word of the conversation, eager to hear Mr. Malik's response.

On the other end of the line, Mr. Malik listened attentively, his expression thoughtful as he processed Mr. Ahmad's words. He could sense the sincerity and genuine care in Layth's family's intentions, and he felt a sense of gratitude for their openness and honesty.

Once Mr. Ahmad had finished speaking, there was a moment of silence as Mr. Malik gathered his thoughts. "Khalid, I appreciate your honesty and openness in discussing this matter with me," he began, his voice warm yet measured. "Let me speak with my wife, and we will discuss this further as a family. We will be in touch soon."

Mr. Ahmad nodded, a sense of relief flooding through him. "Jazakallah, Mr. Malik. I look forward to hearing from you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

With that, the call came to an end, leaving Layth and his family on tenterhooks, eagerly awaiting the Malik family's response.

As Layth retired to his room for the night, he couldn't shake the feeling of nervous excitement that gripped him.

The journey ahead would be fraught with uncertainty, but for the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of hope stirring within him, a glimmer of possibility on the horizon.

And as he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts turned to Maira, the woman who had captured his heart, and the future that awaited them, filled with promise and potential.


Hope the chapter is good.

I am seeing all the silent readers 👀 show some love do vote and comment.
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With lots of love <3

~By authorelixar

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