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𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖋 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕹𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖍

"Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end."


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Minerva Rose Baratheon was known as the Banshee of the King's Landing. Her beauty, and her voice were said to be so beguiling that men from all Seven Kingdoms put forth their proposals for her hand in marriage, once she come of age. But for Minerva, marriage was far too down her list of priorities.

The title of the great king Robert Baratheon, however, was not hers by birth. As most considered a rumor, the Baratheon Princess was indeed born a bastard– a constant reminder for Queen Cersei of her husband's affair with some Targaryen whore, one of the many affairs that she refused to acknowledge, in order to safeguard her relationship as the King's wife. Nonetheless, Minerva was the first-born child to Robert, as he believed she was a gift from the high gods. For him, she was the one to carry on the name of the House Baratheon. So, he did what he thought was right. Despite the Queen's wishes, Robert legitimized Minerva as the first Baratheon sibling. Her fate pre-written; to rule over the seven kingdoms when the time comes.

Minerva was the long loved princess of her kingdom. Trained by the best swordsmen in the entire realm, she was brought up to be a skilled warrior. Her dreams were not to sit in a throne and be a trophy wife, but to venture into the Seven Kingdoms that her father, Robert ruled over for years. The idea of traveling intrigued her, she wanted to see all the wives tales of the North and the South, with her own eyes. And responsibility didn't fall on her shoulders, until another baby was born into the royal family.

The birth of Prince Joffrey took the spotlight off Minerva. She no longer stood alone as the rightful heir of the Iron Throne. Instead, many argued that once he came of age, Joffrey will be the better ruler to be crowned. Of course, the reality of Minerva being a bastard child did not play in her favor. And the unruly Queen that dictated her life was not very fond of her either. Cersei wanted to get rid of Minerva since the very start, so that her son could be the only successor in line to wear the crown of royalty. For her, checkmate was most likely to happen, since Minerva did not want any part of it all anyway.

When the Hand of the King meets his fate, Robert sets his militia to move to the North, accompanied by Minerva, Joffrey and the Queen Cersei. For Minerva this was just another adventure. She yearned to see the snow that fell dark and heavy upon the kingdom of Winterfell, only ever had heard of the stories by her tutors. But what she couldn't foresee was how the Queen had convinced her father to strike up a deal with the Lord of House Stark, Ned.

A bargain was to be proposed between the two kingdoms, a political settlement to strengthen the alliances. The princess was to be taken as a wife by the eldest of the Stark siblings, Robb. Whereas, Joffrey was to be paired with Sansa. A proposition that the King carried without letting his daughter know. All just another scheme of Cersei to promise the royalty to her only son.

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