You're beautiful!

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Hello, people.
Okay, first thing first, this chapter is a heavy one for my heart and it might also for you.
So let me know in comments how it is.


"Sanjay..." I turned around and that's Talath.

"What now?" I'm about to leave college.

"Don't forget to call me when you reach. I want to talk to Sanvi." This girl!!!! I'm gonna kill her.

"Will you stop nagging the same thing?" She kept saying the same for the past one hour.

"You didn't call me. I couldn't meet her. What would I do?" She yelled. I understand her family is pathetic. They won't allow her anywhere.

"I'll.." I left.

As soon as I reached my car I got a call from Aron.

"Hey, Aron...."

"Did you start?" He asked.

"Yeah, just started...."

"Reach as soon as possible..." I said okay.

It's been 3 weeks Sanvi has been in hospital. Things are back to the place, not as perfect as before. I stayed with Sanvi for 1 week, 2nd week Divya, third week Dani took care of her. Every alternate day I visited her. Aron has an interview tomorrow so he'll leave as I reach there.

Sanvi is stronger than I thought. Whatever doctor wants to test on her she is ready. She did not say no for once. Every night she had a panic attack. In the first week, doctors don't know what tablets they should prefer for her. It's like a mystery.

In the second week, they got to know about that drug. A few pills she can take every day to decrease the level of drugs in her body but Sanvi refused to do that. She said if I'm addicted to these tablets then I can't live without this.

Instead of the pill, there is an injection, according to course, the pain which comes is damn serious. when the injection is taken the effect will remain at least for 15 minutes and pain may be like the cracking of bones at a time..... I have seen her struggling in the past week ... I wish she was not with me on that day. Maybe I have rescued her before it happens...



"Urgh... Daniel.., I will kill you." This man...!

"What have I done?"

"Really Danni???... Fine, then what is this text? Why do you text her from my phone."

"I like irritating you a lot S."

"Shut up!!!!" I took my phone from him. He is what? 28 years old but behaves like an immature kid. How did he end up as a professional model?

"Listen...." Again Danny took my phone and when I was about to shout at him. The room door opened.


"Hey...." Dad came in and sat beside me. He has been here for 2 days. Mom doesn't know about me. I couldn't imagine the worst.

"Dad, why did you come?" I mean, he had the flight in the morning.

"Do I need your permission to see my daughter?" I nodded no.

"Of course uncle, this crazy girl....."I stared at Dani.

"Fine fine kids!!! Clam down you both." Dad said.

"How's everything?" Dad asked.

"Going" He nodded.

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