Chapter 48

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Luke: "When we fought, I could feel no intent to kill from Alex. If we was truly with the Yosai and our enemy, he wouldn't have flipped his blade so that I wouldn't be cut"

Nisha: "Whatever you say Luke"

*1 week later*

Luke kept on to the fact that Alex had that mechanical arm in attempt to begin fighting for his innocence

Nisha started to feel worried as if Luke would betray the police so she kept an extra eye on him

Alex returned to Beth to break down that he wasn't able to speak to Tony

But most importantly...everyone in Tek City Police Department's "Safe Haven" was told to evacuate

Due to an event transpired that truthfully nobody deserves


There's wanted posters of Alex around the city

Luke: "I miss you mother...grandma...grandpa. If only you could tell me what I should do. Do I fight against what I believe is wrong with this system of "justice"? But can "justice" truly be wrong? I'm conflicted. I know I won't find the answer in one day but when I do , I hope you're all able to support me"

Luke gets up and walks over to a familiar face

Luke: "I'm sorry for your loss"

They can't speak due to the overflowing tears

Ethan and Eric stand in front of the grave...

of Ethan's mother and Eric's wife

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