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L e i l a h 


Paranoia is a thought process that causes you to have an irrational suspicion or mistrust of others.

It's like someone was watching you.

It wasn't just paranoia now. Someone was keeping an eye on her. 

Leilah had crumbled and burned that small piece of paper. Locked her windows in and cut herself away from the world. 

What if he was back?

The thought scared-- terrified her.

It wasn't just a mere thought anymore. It was the void build from her self-destruction. The destruction that began when he stepped into her like. 

Lileah liked to call it self-annihilation. Why? It was easier that way. She'd blame herself so the remorse of not carving his eyes out, dismantling his limbs and burning his filthy rotten body won't ring in her mind. 


- How is my girl doing?

Leilah's phone pinged, her frame flinching from the sound. She had cuddled up in her room with her stuffed panda. Panda, she had named him. 

Flickering her eyes over the text, she stilled. Her phone was on airplane mode, wasn't it?

Oh God.

Her fingers shook as she blocked the number. Face draining of any color and her monsters trying claw their way up again. 

The walls closing in and her breathing labored. Eyes hazy and spinning- 

Another ping.


Now, that wasn't very nice of you, sweet girl. 

Pick up the phone, baby.

Her nerves spiked. The unknown number flashed on the screen as the small red and green call icon danced against the blue background. 

No. No. Fuck no. Bastard.

Swiftly, her fingers swiped over to block-


The text flashed and she was struck cold.

Leilah was scared but not dumb. 

She knew this stalker of hers was not an easy man. And right now, she didn't want him breaking into her apartment for not picking up the call.

Swiping right, she pressed the phone against her ears.

Shuffling from the other end. 

"Hello, Leilah," A deep, raspy and masculine voice flooded through her ears.

He knew her name. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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