Immortal By Design ;; 000

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⇢ The forest used to be peaceful. The only sounds you'd hear while passing by was of the wildlife. Birds chirping, cicadas during the night, owls hooting, and the occasional wolf howl during a full moon.

The silence was interrupted. Sirens blared loudly, ambulances and police cars parked on the closest street near the woods.

People gathered, gazing at the gruesome scene before them as some took their phones out and recorded it while others tried not to gag from the stench of death or the blood staining the grass.

What happened?

What event disturbed the quiet and caused such an event on this otherwise quiet and ordinary day?

There, on the border of the woods, was a car.

A car that swerved and hit a tree.

A branch from the tree was impaled through the car, and it was obvious that anyone in the vehicle would be dead. Either on impact, or a slow, agonizing, whoever was in it would die. It was a fact.

All of them were unaware of the little boy in the backseat, gasping for air as he tried to get out of the situation.

All of them were unaware of the little boy in the backseat, gasping for air as he tried to get out of the situation

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[ @anxiousdetective ]

Immortal By Design ;; Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now