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I could feel my skin burning under the over heated doona I was resting under, trying to keep cool I push the doona off my body to get the nice breeze.I pull out my book and fail to read with no light around me. I could still hear the TV going, though no one is awake. I try get to sleep excited about Penny my BFF coming tomorrow night. 

(In the morning)I was walking downstairs ready for breakfast, when someone pushed me. Down the stairs I was tripping and rolling, grazing my open skin.When all was still, I raised myself slowly, limping my way to the kitchen.Mum asked me what happened, I didn't tell her, still suspicious about who pushed me! I scoff down my breakfast and rush upstairs, this time I step quietly and carefully aware of any movement in the surroundings.I finish walking upstairs and hear a creak towards my bedroom, continuing to walk I see a tall girl browsing through my clothes.Not daring to speak or move, I stand still staring at her. I am terrified and shocked, right now I am thinking how did she get in here? I am desperate to tell Penny and my family!

Later on, I am downstairs thinking blank what I am going to say to mum with that girl still in my room, she see's my shocked face and asks me whats wrong.I don't know what I am going to say.I told her that I saw a girl in my closet mirror, but all she replied back is, 

"It's not another girl, you have such a wonderful imagination"

That evening, I take my puppy for a walk. Her name is Princess Charles, she is spoilt, kind, loving and very well trained.Mum says it is my responsibility to feed her, clean up her droppings and make sure she has fresh water and a warm bed each day.Dad calls her P.C (Princess Charles.) 

I finish walking P.C, brush her fur, clean her paws and give her water. She barks with delight and licks my legs.

I enter the house, surprisingly all I see is Penny standing there.It looks like she has dozens of questions, unexpected I hear her spit out 

" I...I saw that..." 

"saw what?" I blurt out.

"THE GIRL, BEFORE, SHE WAS IN THE KITCHEN!" she finally says. OMG did Penny really see her?


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