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You put me in a circle, where I can't find myself anymore.  Just moving like everyone else. Just have to follow everyone, I lost myself and I can't find myself anymore.

Why no one warned me before going into this circle? This circle scares me, the happy me is lost in the circle. This circle seems beautiful from outside , but this is the worst place anyone should be.

Now every moral story is coming true, like the one, "OUTSIDE BEAUTY IS NOT EVERYTHING TO LOOK ONTO"

This circle is filled with every emotion like jealousy, anger, sadness, anxious, but why can't I find the happiness emotion here?

What we see from outside is not always true. Then why did the circle pretended to be beautiful and happy? When there is nothing but just loneliness even with so many people being aside you.

Everything is just not the right way in this circle. I can't find myself anymore. I lost myself, I lost myself in this circle.

I might never be the same anymore. Because the old me is lost and no more.

THE OUTSIDE BEAUTIFUL CIRCLEWhere stories live. Discover now