the info

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OKAY SO, this will be six maybe seven stories in one. I am going to quickly talk about my format and shit. here are the names of what the chapters will be:

Axel and Leo: chapter name

Michael and Elliot: chapter name

Raymond and James: chapter name

Shota and Hikaro: chapter name

Cath and Cloud: chapter name

Vinzent and Cas: chapter name

so those are for if you want to read about certain things. now which character was my friend, and which ones were me:

my friend: Leo, Michael, Raymond, Shota, Cath, and Cas.

Me: Axel, Elliot, James, Hikaro, Cloud, and Vinzent.

then we have the warnings that i will put at the top, just things like Tw: vape, or lap sitting, or something.  and for the format of the raw stuff then the actual detailed things, it'll just be:

something non detailed simple and raw here

actual story here.

so yeah. if there is any questions please comment,

147 words. 

6 stories in one.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora