spare room.

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2 months later, aurora was now 7 or 8 months pregnant, she couldnt remember anymore, she gave up trying to.

harry, ron and hermione left the morning after the couples small gender reveal. draco and theo left 2 weeks ago as the war was surely soon approaching and they were needed at school. theo had begged her to stay at the cottage with bill and fleur, seeing as they wouldnt be fighting until the very last moment if they were needed.

"comment vous sentez-vous?" fleur asked as she entered the spare room with a tray of food.

aurora placed her book down and sat up properly on the bed "im okay, you know i can come down for breakfast right?"

"i dont want you straining yourself, and i know you appreciate not having to move for more than the toilet or a shower" she placed the tray on the nightstand and sat down at the end of the bed

"i do, thank you"

"what have you been reading?" she asked with a warm smile

most mornings were like this. bill would leave for work and fleur would go and sit with aurora for hours, talking about whatever nonsense she could think of.

it was nice, having someone with her while she was 'in hiding' as everyone seemed to call it.

she wondered how her brother and theo were doing most days. others she was too sick and exhausted to even think about the fact a war was going on.

on those days, fleur brought her water regularly and small portions of food.

fleur was a beautiful cook so she loved staying there with her and her husband.


did you miss me :)

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