Where am I?

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        In the busy streets of Tsutaya, there was once a sick girl in her teens named Mina, she’s begging endlessly for money just to feed herself. She wanders the streets and parks alike, Even though she was sick and tired of her situation she couldn't do anything. Tired of finding food in the bins, tired of always sleeping on the ground, and tired of life. She had no knowledge of her parents nor where she was born, all she knew was that she was alone. Strangers ignore her, sometimes even steal some of the money she had made from begging. Tired of the life she had, she then thought of trying to help herself and change her life and set a straight road for her to improve.

           She went to a place that can help with her sickness, after a while she got better and then tried searching for many quick paying jobs like selling newspapers or even tutoring other children, but because she had no experience nor education she was rejected job after job. Day after day she tried applying for jobs, while she was finding jobs, she went to all kinds of places meeting people, some giving their opinions for a good job at her age and others giving words of encouragement for her. After enduring the countless days she’s been rejected, finally after a long time a job finally accepts her. A job that could help her with her struggles, a job to be a steady source of income for her, a job to be a servant for the Palace of Tsutaya. For once she had an income and something to talk about.

          Day after day she worked hard, she learned how to clean properly, how to cook properly and how to wash the dishes. In- her free time she went to the library of the palace to learn and study how to write and read so she could understand and have more knowledge. In her work time she trimmed the trees and grass to the liking of the king, She even helped the other servants in their work quickly gaining a good reputation among the others. Sometimes even overworking so that she can help others.

           When a day came where she was buying ingredients for her to give to the cooks for the Royal Family she found a kid in the same situation she was in before, thinking about it, she then decided to approach the kid and asked if he needed help. “How are you holding up?” the kid ignored her question which made her a bit mad but she knew she just had to keep talking to the boy. Once- more she decided to talk to the boy once “hey it's rude to ignore people did you know?” she said, trying to lighten up the mood with a smile, the boy then responded “stop bugging me” which only fueled her more to keep talking to him, “hey care to tell me if you’re a bit shy it's fine I'll introduce myself first, my name is Mina, how about you?”. “Don't have one” said the kid which didn't surprise Mina as she knew how normal it is for some kids in the streets to have no name. “I might be of help to you, if you let me, that is.” The boy looked at her thinking about it, after giving it some thought he agreed “fine”, “Can you add a please to it?” She said to the boy teasing him, which made the boy a bit mad “do you want me to agree or not, woman?” said the boy “haha I was just joking around with you that's all.”

           After the conversation with the boy, she decided to make him apply to be another servant for the Royal family just like her. But there was one problem: he needed a name, she then thought of a name, Omni, “your name will now be Omni from now on, got it?” she asked while looking at Omni, “Omni.. not that bad, sure I'll take that name”. Omni then successfully got the job of being a humble servant of the royal family, from that day on they both agreed to work together and be wealthy enough for them to reach their goals.

         But this wasn't the end and they knew they still had more troubles, obstacles, and hardships to go through to achieve such dreams. In the end, Mina and Omni became good friends and both helped each other to overcome their hardships and to achieve their dream goals.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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